Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Drama analysis of Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drama analysis of Hamlet - Essay Example Hamlet feigns insanity to discover the truth, but might as easily be insane by the mere fact of seeing and talking with ghosts. While Hamlet at first seems to be insane, there are several ways, through both language and action, that Shakespeare works to demonstrate that there is a definite method behind Hamlet’s madness. Hamlet, is at first presented as an intelligent young man who is perhaps a little spoiled yet who knows his duty and has a bright future ahead of him, but who is also quickly linked with the idea of insanity. From the beginning of the play, he is shown to be a man who is divided. His first spoken words in the play, â€Å"a little more than kin, and less than kind!† (I, ii), are spoken in an aside to himself, indicating the disdain in which he holds his uncle and mother, but could also be interpreted as the first signs of insanity as he is seen to be talking to himself. His next words, spoken to his uncle, â€Å"Not so, my lord. I am too much in the sun† (I, ii), demonstrate his ability to quickly turn a phrase upon itself. While he is answering his uncle’s question about why the â€Å"clouds still hang† on him, he does not answer the question and instead makes a reference to being looked after too much by his uncle as well as too much considered a son. Th is tendency of his to always find a double meaning in any sentence is one of the first indications of insanity Shakespeare provides. In addition, Hamlet demonstrates an almost suicidal depression following his father’s death and his mother’s betrayal, only kept from that by his religious upbringing: â€Å"O that this too too sullied flesh would melt, / Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, / Or that the Everlasting had not fixed / His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter† (I, ii). Very early in the play we learn that Hamlet has lost all faith, all joy and all purpose in life. He cannot accept his

Monday, October 28, 2019

Enthanasia Pro And Cons Essay Example for Free

Enthanasia Pro And Cons Essay As Victor Fung Keung pointed out in the Observer column (A person has the right to a dignified death, August 18), most people object to euthanasia without thinking about the subject in a rational way. They ignore the fact that someone who is terminally ill will not get better. And they are indifferent to the suffering and mental anguish that these patients endure. It is cowardly to ignore the excruciating pain they suffer before dying. People opposed to euthanasia banish thoughts of their loved ones ever facing such pain. There are those who attempt to take the moral high ground, saying a life should not be ended in this way under any circumstances. We have to face the issue of euthanasia. We must address it now, not just because of the pleas of the quadriplegic Choi Wan-fung (Quadriplegic thinks about how to kill himself every day, August 16), but also because it is simply inhumane to stand idly by while people die in extreme pain. The government and legislators should have the courage to reform the law on euthanasia. Ko King-tim, Kowloon Tong I do not agree with Victor Fung Keungs article (A person has the right to a dignified death, August 18). I think a person has the right to a dignified life and that there is no dignity in death. I disagree with the promoters of euthanasia, because people choose to die, not through free will, but under pressure, mostly from family members. You reported on the plight of quadriplegic Choi Wan-fung. If I was in a situation where I felt I had become a financial burden to my wife or my children, I would want to opt to die. That is why the present law exists, to protect me, not to encourage me to commit suicide. At the same time, a civil society should provide the means for someone in that state to be able to lead a dignified life. Mr Fung says that dying with dignity is humane but how does he know? As Hamlet says, that is the undiscovered country. A friend of mine died last year of cancer at 53. He was in great pain, but just a few days before dying, and in spite of suffering, lying in his garden he explained to me how overwhelmed he was by the beauty of flowers.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life Essay -- Science

Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life When I look up at the stars at night, I just have to wonder who or what is looking back at me from some distant planet in some distant galaxy. We’ve all probably wondered what lies beyond our small, self-contained little world. The question many have pondered is whether or not there is intelligent life beyond earth. In the words of Metrodorus, a Greek philosopher of the fourth century, "To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow." I believe that intelligent extraterrestrial life does exist. Critics of the theory of intelligent life beyond earth will argue that there is no such thing because they’ve never seen a "little green man." There are those who want proof of extraterrestrial life before they can accept the fact that there is any life besides what is on our Earth. They have a point. I’ve never seen an alien. I’ve never talked to anyone whose had a "close encounter." Sure, we’ve all seen the shows on TV with convincing footage of flying saucers, but we have no actual proof of intelligent life dependent from earth. It is true that we have no evidence of intelligent life beyond earth, but to claim that none exists because we’ve never seen aliens is like saying that the atom doesn’t exist because you can’t see one. We who have a grasp of our physical surroundings, and a basic knowledge of chemistry realize that the atom is the basic building block of matter. Those who say that there is no intelligent life other than our own need to realize several things. First, our universe is infinite. This leaves literally infinit... ...ence, why is our government so concerned about it? Although we can’t prove the existence of intelligent life beyond earth, it is very likely that it does exist. When one considers the vast infinite universe we live in, it would be completely foolish to believe that life on earth is unique. It is not just me who says that other intelligent life exists, though. Many scientists and philosophers have speculated about life on other planets for centuries, and today the search for life is a major driving factor in space exploration. Extraterrestrial life is not just an idea reserved for those who watch The X-files every night with all the lights out, it is an important concept in our current space-age, and to ignore the fact that extraterrestrial life would be like those of our ancestors who refused to believe that the world was round.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Capital Punishment and Minors, Women, Retarded, and the Innocent :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

This essay takes the exceptions to the rule, the classes of people who are not ordinarily sentenced to death, and expsoses how they are impacted by the death penalty. Child offenders are people convicted of committing crimes when they were under the age of 18. International human rights treaties prohibit anyone under 18 years of age at the time of the crime being sentenced to death. The ICCPR, the ACHR and the CRC all have provisions to this effect. One hundred and fifteen countries whose laws still provide for the death penalty either have provisions in their laws which exclude the death penalty against child offenders, or may be presumed to exclude such use by virtue of becoming parties to the above treaties without entering a reservation to the relevant article of those treaties. The UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, at its annual meeting in August in Geneva, passed a resolution condemning the imposition and execution of the death penalty on those aged under 18 at the time of the commission of the offence. At the Asia Pacific Forum of Human Rights Institutions, meeting in Rotorua, New Zealand in August, the Advisory Council of Jurists, which is one of the bodies reporting to the above Forum, considered the death penalty, one of two issues referred to it by the Forum. In its final report issued in December the Council said that it ''......accepts as a minimum the restrictions placed on the categories of persons that can be executed as set out int the ICCPR namely persons who commit an offence while below eighteen years of age........ .....The Council emphasizes that the persons who commit offences when below the age of 18 are not to be executed under the terms of the ICCPR and Convention on the rights of the Child.'' Representatives on the Advisory Council of Jurists came from Australia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Nepal had not at that time nominated its representative to the Council. Pakistan: The government of Pakistan on 1 July 2000 issued the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000 which prohibits the death penalty for anyone aged below 18 at the time of the alleged offence. This comes exactly 10 years after Pakistan ratified the UNCRC which makes it obligatory for states parties to ban the death penalty for juvenile offenders in domestic legislation. Capital Punishment and Minors, Women, Retarded, and the Innocent :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays This essay takes the exceptions to the rule, the classes of people who are not ordinarily sentenced to death, and expsoses how they are impacted by the death penalty. Child offenders are people convicted of committing crimes when they were under the age of 18. International human rights treaties prohibit anyone under 18 years of age at the time of the crime being sentenced to death. The ICCPR, the ACHR and the CRC all have provisions to this effect. One hundred and fifteen countries whose laws still provide for the death penalty either have provisions in their laws which exclude the death penalty against child offenders, or may be presumed to exclude such use by virtue of becoming parties to the above treaties without entering a reservation to the relevant article of those treaties. The UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, at its annual meeting in August in Geneva, passed a resolution condemning the imposition and execution of the death penalty on those aged under 18 at the time of the commission of the offence. At the Asia Pacific Forum of Human Rights Institutions, meeting in Rotorua, New Zealand in August, the Advisory Council of Jurists, which is one of the bodies reporting to the above Forum, considered the death penalty, one of two issues referred to it by the Forum. In its final report issued in December the Council said that it ''......accepts as a minimum the restrictions placed on the categories of persons that can be executed as set out int the ICCPR namely persons who commit an offence while below eighteen years of age........ .....The Council emphasizes that the persons who commit offences when below the age of 18 are not to be executed under the terms of the ICCPR and Convention on the rights of the Child.'' Representatives on the Advisory Council of Jurists came from Australia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Nepal had not at that time nominated its representative to the Council. Pakistan: The government of Pakistan on 1 July 2000 issued the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000 which prohibits the death penalty for anyone aged below 18 at the time of the alleged offence. This comes exactly 10 years after Pakistan ratified the UNCRC which makes it obligatory for states parties to ban the death penalty for juvenile offenders in domestic legislation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Psychotic, childhood, and cognitive disorders Essay

Many disorders are said to form in the stages of childhood or are in some way are bound to an individual by genetics. Some may just gradually appear or grow more intense over a period of time. No matter the disorder, it can make a person’s life a challenging one. The disorders that will be discussed below are psychotic disorders, childhood disorders, and cognitive disorders and how they affect an individual’s life. Psychotic disorders Psychosis is a symptom that causes an individual to be out of touch with reality. An individual may experience hallucinations and delusions. Schizophrenia is a disorder that fits into this category. The characteristics of schizophrenia are hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thought or speech, bizarre behavior, decrease in speech, emotional flattening, lack of motivation, and lack of pleasure. It has five subtypes known as paranoid schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia, catatonic schizophrenia, residual schizophrenia, and undifferentiated schizophrenia. The biological components look at the distal and proximal causes. According to Hansell & Damour (2008), The proximal causes of the symptoms involve various abnormalities in brain function, brain structure, and neuropsychological/neurophysiological status that may cause schizophrenic symptoms (though it is also possible that some of them are effects, not causes, of schizophrenia). The distal causes are what help to answer the questions to what the causes of schizophrenia may be. The cognitive components focus on the deficits in reasoning and the role that attention has. Interventions address those deficits to help treat schizophrenia. The sociocultural perspective focuses on institutional and large social forces that may have been the cause of the disorder. The family systems perspective suggests that the family has much do with causing schizophrenia. The hypothesis that family environments are pathological, give theorists something to focus on in family therapy. Freud believed that schizophrenia was biologically based. His idea was that psychotherapy would not help schizophrenia since he believed the individual was trying to connect with the outside world. Frieda Fromm-Reichmann used psychotherapy to successfully treat a patient. She believed schizophrenia was caused by an overbearing mother who was too demanding and cold shouldered. Childhood disorders There are many disorders in this category. The complete list includes: mental retardation, learning disorders, motor skills disorder, communication disorders, persuasive developmental disorders, ADD behavior disorder (Attention deficit and disruptive), eating and feeding disorders of infancy and early childhood, tic disorders, elimination disorders, and the category of other disorders. There are five prominent disorders that are considered by the DSM-IV-TR as childhood disorders: Mental retardation, separation anxiety disorder, ADD disorders, persuasive developmental disorders, and learning disorders. Mental retardation is a disorder present at birth. It impairs adaptive behavior and intellectual functioning. This includes Down syndrome, fragile x syndrome, tay-sachs disease, phenylketonuria, fetal alchohol syndrome, and shaken baby syndrome. Separation anxiety disorder happens when excessive anxiety appears as a result of separation from home or parents/guardians. ADD, also known as attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorder, includes three different types of diagnosis’s: attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and conduct disorder (CD). ADHD includes characteristics of impulsivity, hyperactivity, inattention. ODD includes characteristics of hostility, negativity, and defiant behavior along with the combination of other symptoms that include: temper loss, argumentative, defies rules and does not comply, deliberately annoying, blames others for misbehavior and mistakes, reactive or touchy, resentful, angry, vindictive, and spiteful. CD has characteristics of property destruction, theft, deceitfulness, aggression toward animals and people, and serious violation of any rules. A persuasive developmental disorder is characterized by persistent and profound impairment of functioning. Normal communication and social skills are not developed. Autism is the most common disorder diagnosed in this category as well as aspergers disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and rett’s disorder. Autism consists of impaired communication, social interaction, and repetitive patterns of activities, interests, and behaviors. Asberger’s disorder consists of superior and cognitive language skills. They share some of the same aspects of autism yet focus more on specific objects or things. Children with childhood disintegrative disorder develop normally until the age of two. Then they suddenly lose motor skills, language ability, and social skills and start to develop many of the characteristics of autism. Rett’s disorder occurs after two years of age as well and shares many autism characteristics. This disorder only develops in girls. Characteristics include slow head growth, loss of physical coordination, motor skills, and social skills. Learning disorders impair all of the areas of cognitive functioning as well as trouble with certain academic skills. This category includes disorders such as dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and dyslexia. All of these disorders cause problems within a learning environment and interferes with daily living activities. Cognitive Disorders A cognitive disorder is characterized by a change in functioning caused by disturbance in thinking. There are three main disorders in this category: amnesia, dementia, and delirium. Dementia and delirium typically occur in elderly adults. The characteristics of delirium include difficulty focusing, attention shifting, language problems, disorientation, and memory loss that appear within a couple of hours and may last for days. The characteristics of dementia are memory impairment and cognitive deficits along with at least one of the following: apraxia, aphasia, executive functioning disturbances, or agnosia. It is permanent and gradually declines cognitive functioning. Individuals with amnesia have trouble developing memory and the inability to recall memories. It can either be chronic or transient, depending on the type of amnesia. Organic amnesia is a result of a viral infection, substance abuse, or physical trauma caused to the brain. Other types of amnesia may involve brain damage that is lasting or pervasive. Conclusion Developing a disorder can be difficult. Obtaining the right treatment and help can be beneficial the individuals life. Psychotic disorders are on a different level than the rest of the disorders described above. They require medication and possibly hospitalization since there is yet to be a cure. Childhood disorders can be managed with the correct medication and family therapy sessions. Cognitive disorders may require medication, depending on the severity as well as deep brain stimulation, surgery, or therapy to help with memory. Currently there is no cure for dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, only a help of prolonging the effects.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Personal Security Essay Example

Personal Security Essay Example Personal Security Essay Personal Security Essay Name of Student Name of Instructor Tutor: Date: Personal Security Internet’s Perception of the Program The internet perceives this software as a child and employee-monitoring software put in place in order to record all passwords, emails, chat, keystrokes and other activities that require the use of a keyboard. Such functional keys as ctrl and alt are also recorded. When to Use an On-Screen Keyboard The major use of an on-screen keyboard is to allow the users to type even without the presence of a physical keyboard. The on-screen keyboard is also used as an emulation software’s features. This commonly occurs in systems incorporation fewer buttons as compared to a normal computer keyboard. In most cases, they are used by people who have disabilities. Multi-lingual or bi-lingual computer users frequently use this device. This is because they frequently move between diverse alphabets or character sets. Its ease in manipulation according to the user’s likes/preferences also makes it convenient for security purposes. Such features are not found in the normal keyboard. When to use a Scrambler Scramblers aids in the inversion or transposing of signals. In other words, they encode messages in order to make them incomprehensible for those lacking the appropriate devices to unscramble them. However, these devices are mostly used in the analog system. Scramblers can therefore be used in facilitation of the clock recovery process. These also include other circuits that are adaptive and the automatic gain control. In order to eliminate the dependency on the power spectrum signal where the precise transmitted data takes place, one might also use the scramblers. This makes the data more dispersed. Strengths of Keypass One of the main strengths is that it allows the translation of all the utility content. These contents include buttons, options, and menus. It also has a reliable security system that is frequently used by users globally. Additionally, the mode with Keypass is simple to use yet it does not compromise security. This makes it a good use for both individual and corporations. Keypass can also be customized to one’s language. This makes it relevant to the majority of the people living globally. Keypass Weaknesses It still has a security risk since it is not a hundred percent secure way of securing the computers. Why I would use it I would use Keypass because it is easy to use at an individual user’s level yet it does not compromise security. I can also customize it to another language apart from English thus minimize the security risks. Public Key Associated with the digital Certificate The certificate conveying the public key is associated with identified individuals therefore, unidentified individuals may not be able to view the public key. Additionally, if the certificate is not issued by a trusted authority, there will be difficulty in the key’s distribution. Embedding public key in a digital certificate This action allows the protection of the public key from impersonators. This is done by linking and binding the public key with ones identity. Expiration Date of the Root Certificate Root certificates are superior to the web certificates since they are given by certificate authorities. The root certificate are required if a company is to be issued the web certificate. For this reason since the root certificate are long-term, they will have a longer expiry date as compared to the short-term web certificates Trusted Root Certification Authority This is an entity, which verifies digital certificates through a trust chain. It acts like the trust anchor. Why so many Root Certification Authorities Apart from it being a business, there are different activities globally using digital devices. With the inclusion of commerce in the system, the authorities take care of the growing demands. However, fraudulent authorities are also present. People need to know the difference. How to effect on-line personal security on-line security is a requisite in personal security settings. The adoption of proper patch management ,personal firewall settings and windows encryption is the first step here. After completion of the last step,Qualys,belarc and windows installation for the required operating system should be checked.

Monday, October 21, 2019

8 of the best apps for college students

8 of the best apps for college students College can be very stressful- especially if you’re on your own for the first time. There’s suddenly so much you have to figure out that you never had to worry about before. But you can make things much easier on yourself with the help of your smartphone and a few app downloads. Here are 10 of the best apps out there for navigating your college experience with confidence.1. Amazon MobileMaybe you don’t have a car. Or maybe your college town might not be the shopping mecca you envisioned. Or, let’s be honest, maybe you’re just lazy. Bottom line: you food, supplies, books, and toiletries- and you need it all delivered to your door. The Amazon app is free and lets you browse for and buy just about anything you could need. Bonus points if you sign up for Prime Student and get free two-day shipping and other perks.2. MintLearn how to manage your money like the grownup you’ve become. Mint is a free app that lets you view all of your finances and ba nk accounts in one easy place. Separate by category to see where your cash is going, and use that knowledge to create a budget that works for your life.3. iHomework 2You have papers, readings, and tests coming at you from every direction, with no parent breathing down your back to get things done. Keep track of all of your assignments, exam schedules, and coursework with this app, which helps you map out everything school-related. You can even set yourself notification alarms for upcoming deadlines.4. Google DriveNever get stuck away from your main desk without your files again. Take notes in class, then access your notes from another computer at anytime. Write your paper at home, and then pull it up on your friend’s laptop. Never worry about not having everything you need handy and stored in the Cloud again. Google Drive free and sign-up is automatic if you use your Gmail account.5. TodoistNeed a good to-do list app that isn’t too overwhelming and just lists all your tasks in one handy place? Track everything going on in your life, school-related and beyond- even doctor’s appointments or bills you need to pay. Why write your tasks on a board in your room when you can carry it in your pocket to reference all day?6. DropboxHere’s another app that will ensure you never are more than a click away from important documents. Save things in Dropbox, and they’re accessible from any device- even your phone. Don’t lose important data or documents again.7. FeedlyOverwhelmed by all the news you’re getting from multiple sources and apps? Use Feedly to aggregate the publications, blogs, YouTube channels, and other sites you follow, so you can see at a glance what’s new and keep up with news and updates from your favorite sites.8. EasyBibNo idea how to format your works cited list? Never fear. EasyBib will give you the right citation for whatever book you’re quoting from and it will tailor it for whatever citatio n style you need.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Price Elasticity of Demand for Gasoline

Price Elasticity of Demand for Gasoline One could think of a number of ways that someone could cut back on fuel consumption in response to higher prices. For example, people can carpool when going to work or school, go to the supermarket and the post office in one trip instead of two, and so on. In this discussion, the factor being debated is the price elasticity of demand for gasoline. Price elasticity of demand for gas refers to the hypothetical situation if gas prices rise, what will happen to the quantity demanded for gasoline? To answer this question, lets delve into a brief overview of 2 meta-analyses of studies of the price elasticity of gasoline. Studies on Gasoline Price Elasticity   There are many studies that researched and determined what the price elasticity of demand for gasoline is. One such study is a  meta-analysis by Molly Espey, published in  Energy Journal,  which explains the variation in elasticity estimates of gasoline demand in the United States. In the study, Espey examined 101 different studies and found that in the short-run (defined as 1 year or less), the average price-elasticity of demand for gasoline is -0.26. That is, a 10% hike in the price of gasoline lowers quantity demanded by 2.6%. In the long-run (defined as longer than 1 year), the price elasticity of demand is -0.58. Meaning, a 10% hike in gasoline causes quantity demanded to decline by 5.8% in the long run. Review of Income and Price Elasticities in the Demand for Road Traffic Another terrific meta-analysis was conducted by Phil Goodwin, Joyce Dargay and Mark Hanly and given the title Review of Income and Price Elasticities in the Demand for Road Traffic. In it, they summarize their findings on the price elasticity of demand for gasoline. If the real price of fuel goes, and stays, up by 10%, the result is a dynamic process of adjustment such that the following 4 scenarios occur. First, the volume of traffic will go down by roundly 1% within about a year, building up to a reduction of about 3% in the longer run (about 5 years or so). Second, the volume of fuel consumed will go down by about 2.5% within a year, building up to a reduction of over 6% in the longer run. Third, the reason why fuel consumed goes down by more than the volume of traffic, is probably because price increases trigger more efficient use of fuel (by a combination of technical improvements to vehicles, more fuel conserving driving styles, and driving in easier traffic conditions). So further consequences of the same price increase include the following 2 scenarios. The efficiency of use of fuel going up by about 1.5% within a year, and around 4% in the longer run. Also, the total number of vehicles owned goes down by less than 1% in the short run, and 2.5% in the longer run. Standard Deviation Its important to note that the realized elasticities depend on factors such as the timeframe and locations that the study covers. Taking the second study, for example, the realized drop in quantity demanded in the short run from a 10% rise in fuel costs may be greater or lower than 2.5%. While the short-run the price elasticity of demand is -0.25, there is a standard deviation of 0.15, while the long rise price elasticity of -0.64 has a standard deviation of -0.44. Concluded Effect of Rise in Gas Prices While one cannot say with absolute certainty what the magnitude rise in gas taxes will have on quantity demanded, it can be reasonably assured that a rise in gas taxes, all else being equal, will cause consumption to decrease.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Identify and discuss one emerging ethical issue in health care Essay

Identify and discuss one emerging ethical issue in health care - Essay Example Thus they have the chance to clear all their doubts in regard to the complete procedure of treatment. In case of developing countries in particular, it has been observed that obtaining this informed consent is difficult. This is primarily because the forms for consent are mostly prepared for the benefits of researchers and their sponsors. Thus the patient or the families are not always allowed to know clearly about the disease or the procedure of the treatment that would be followed. Illiteracy is also a major reason that hinders such understanding. Often, use of different languages creates problems and the subject does not understand the process of informed consent, nor understands the treatment methods (Igoumenidis & Zyga, 2011, p.247). From the above study it may be concluded that informed consent is one of the major ethical concerns in healthcare and needs to be given sincere concern particularly in developing countries where individuals lack knowledge and understanding of medical factors. Igoumenidis, M. & S. Zyga (2011) Healthcare Research in Developing Countries: Ethical Issues, Health Science Journal, 5(4), pp.243-250, Retrieved on February 23, 2013 from:

Friday, October 18, 2019

History Reviews Questions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History Reviews Questions - Case Study Example According to the report  the adversary denotes the participants in a contest between two equal opponents on trial and the trial usually take place under a formal guidance of the court. Witnesses were occasionally involved to provide their accounts voluntarily or under swearing of an oath. The adversarial system rests its faith in the assumptions that partisan advocacy and manipulation of evident materials coupled with equality can put a judge in the position to determine the truth. The type of system is mostly used in countries with legal misdemeanour such as minor traffic offences.This essay discusses that  the adoption of inquisitorial justice was connected to the use of terror in the trials in that, some of the individuals were able to twist their cases in courts to warrant for a thorough investigative process. While the process of investigation was going on to extort the truth, some of the accusers used to commit terror to disrupt the investigative process. Witchcraft was tri ed in secular courts despite being a spiritual crime; this was perhaps because of the extent of damages it caused in the society. There were beliefs that witchcrafts caused many calamities like sickness, death and other misfortunes. It was these other civil related crimes that made witches be tried in the secular courts. The early official church teaching was that there were no existence of the witches, yet the ancient legal procedures including the inquisition of heretics, mostly the Albigensian and the Waldensians.

Viewer Identification with Television Characters Essay

Viewer Identification with Television Characters - Essay Example The reason I identified with his character before was because of his boyish charm that made him irresistible to all women, except Kate Beckett who seems to be immune to his charms. If I ever become a millionaire, I would want to be the gentleman millionaire that he is. He treats the women right and in exchange, the women treat him like a god as well. Just like Richard Castle, I too am a very loyal friend who is always there when any of them need my help. We are similar in the way that we treat our friends, more like family than some strangers whom I just met and have to find something in common with. We both exude this sense of familiarity that makes it easy for other people to get along with us even though we just met them. That is not hard to understand. After all, we both tend to bend over backwards for people just to make sure that we are liked. Castle was raised by a single mother just as I was. We both respect and and love our mothers to the extent that we would give our respective mothers the shirts off our backs if she asked us to. That is the kind of gratitude that Richard Castle displays for his mother. Even though he sometimes acts like he is just putting up with his mothers presence (name any man who does not pretend that at one time or another with his mom), the reality of their situation is that he loves her deeply and would never want to see her hurt in any way by any person. We all know that men are constantly looking for their partner in life. Sometimes, men get married because they have found the one for them. That is what Richard Castle did at one point in his life. The result was a an intelligent daughter named Alexis who was left in his custody after he divorced his first wife. His relationship with Alexis is the kind that I would want to have with any son or daughter of mine should I ever get married and find myself divorced, or even if I dont end up divorced. As for his loyalty to women, I

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Pro-forma A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Pro-forma A - Essay Example It has also followed conventions of point of purchase promotion used by its predecessors. Internet presence is relatively low-key, though consumer response to the brand on the medium has been unusually heavy. - Key message of promotion: The brand promises to transport women to a fantasy world of elegance and high technology. It takes the position of a fragrance for the modern woman (Thunder Perfect Mind, 2006). The brand promise goes well beyond the physical attributes of the product, and focuses on intangible benefits. It connotes an exaggerated sense of power for liberated women, and takes a seemingly liberal view on aspects of personal preferences. One of the distinguishing features of advertising for the perfume, unlike for other Prada product lines, is that there is no attempt to show women in a seductive light for the apparent pleasure of men. This is a significant departure for Prada, encouraging women to spend money on the perfume for their own pleasure, rather than to attract attention from the opposite sex. Prada Perfume promotion makes no effort to suggest that it is something for men to buy as a gift for women. The entire promotion seems designed to bring in a completely new demographic segment in to Prada's basket of existing customers. - Media chosen: Prada has chosen film, print media and point of purchase promotion, with a modicum of web presence as well. Store displays and sampling is aggressive at premium outlets, following conventions for this product category. - Assumed customer segment: Prada seems to have chosen young working women (The Prada Perfume Ad, 2006). Advertisements show women in a most glamorous but independent light, which shows synergy with the unusual pack design and product color as well. The style of advertising and the language and tone used in the cited advertisement and the company website, all show a focus for the mainstream white Caucasian market. The brand, as with other perfumes, is priced for women with considerable disposable income, as the unit purchase price is well over $50. - Assumed required Marketing outcome: It is normal for perfumes to offer values far beyond their physical attributes, and Prada has copied this approach. The brand has a futuristic appeal for the modern woman (Prada Company Website, 2006). Prada has traditionally catered to an older segment of women than it appears to have selected for the perfume. Perfume itself is a new line for this fashion company with 19th century roots. The Marketing outcome seems to be for Prada to leverage its goodwill for new market segment entry. (Prada, 2006) Proforma B Required Marketing Outcome: To enable Prada to cater to a younger demographic group than its traditional base, with an entry in to a new product line, related to traditional textile and leather lines of fashion products. Secondly, the brand should make best use of the existing goodwill for the Prada name. The promotion efforts should result in a significant market presence for the Prada brand in the perfume segment. There is no access to actual sales and contribution targets set by Prada for the perfume, but it is safe to assume that the company would affect

Case Analysis Report Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis Report - Case Study Example The total sales of the company in terms of delivering food as well as meal services through online sources accounted for US$ 2, 670, 686 in 2012 (Good Jobs First, 2013). FreshDirect offers 5000 perishable goods that accounted for 75% of sales and 3000 packaged products amounting to 25% of the entire sales. The organization has been encountering a lower margin of net profits which has accounted for only 1to 2% of revenues. FreshDirect with flexibility in information control, automated order fulfillment and reduction in costs in real estate could receive operational margins of 10% as compared to 3 to 4% in traditional markets. In relation to events, FreshDirect has integrated various components in its system along with making an incorporation of state of the art production centre with expert personnel. Other events include quality management achieved through SAP software which controls the operations of the facility and is used for clean and healthy packaged food products to customers (Good Jobs First, 2013). SWOT Analysis The strengths of Fresh Direct can be underlined as: FreshDirect ascertains extreme high standard with regard to health, safety and cleanliness. The approach of the organization is quite innovative. It is a reputed brand of online grocery that offers high quality products at lower prices. One of the strengths of FreshDirect is its warehouses which comprise 12 separate zones of temperature ensuring that each food product is kept at optimal temperature. FreshDirect uses SAP software system that controls every aspect of operations (Scribd Inc., 2013). The key weaknesses of FreshDirect entail: FreshDirect sells only perishable products, which is its specialty and it has not put emphasis on non-perishable products. The organization has only focused on selected zip areas of New York, which can be accounted as their weakness. Another recognized weakness is constant alteration in senior management which is hampering the work efficiency and progress of t he organization (Scribd Inc., 2013). The opportunities prevalent to FreshDirect include: There would be an opportunity for FreshDirect to expand its business in national as well as in international level. In the near future, it would be possible for FreshDirect to sell non-perishable goods along with perishable products. FreshDirect possesses opportunities in terms of ascertaining competitiveness differentiation regarding offering of food products (DemandTec, n.d.). The threats to FreshDirect entail: Whole Foods, Fairway and Trader Joe in Manhattan area are extensively competitive and are creating considerable extent of threats for FreshDirect. Rivalry regarding online grocery segment can be considered as one of the biggest treats for FreshDirect. A significant extent of threat can emerge from competitors of FreshDirect adopting new food technology software that could be detrimental for the organization in executing its operations (Middletonss, 2012). SWOT Matrix Porter’s Fiv e Forces Model Threat of New Entrants Threat of New Entrants is moderate as such kind of online grocery retail segments are coming up in the industry significantly, however long-term sustainability and success of them are quite uncertain (Dess, Lumpkin, & Eisner, 2012). Bargaining Power of Buyers With reference to buyer power, it can be stated that with online facility, it would be poss

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Pro-forma A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Pro-forma A - Essay Example It has also followed conventions of point of purchase promotion used by its predecessors. Internet presence is relatively low-key, though consumer response to the brand on the medium has been unusually heavy. - Key message of promotion: The brand promises to transport women to a fantasy world of elegance and high technology. It takes the position of a fragrance for the modern woman (Thunder Perfect Mind, 2006). The brand promise goes well beyond the physical attributes of the product, and focuses on intangible benefits. It connotes an exaggerated sense of power for liberated women, and takes a seemingly liberal view on aspects of personal preferences. One of the distinguishing features of advertising for the perfume, unlike for other Prada product lines, is that there is no attempt to show women in a seductive light for the apparent pleasure of men. This is a significant departure for Prada, encouraging women to spend money on the perfume for their own pleasure, rather than to attract attention from the opposite sex. Prada Perfume promotion makes no effort to suggest that it is something for men to buy as a gift for women. The entire promotion seems designed to bring in a completely new demographic segment in to Prada's basket of existing customers. - Media chosen: Prada has chosen film, print media and point of purchase promotion, with a modicum of web presence as well. Store displays and sampling is aggressive at premium outlets, following conventions for this product category. - Assumed customer segment: Prada seems to have chosen young working women (The Prada Perfume Ad, 2006). Advertisements show women in a most glamorous but independent light, which shows synergy with the unusual pack design and product color as well. The style of advertising and the language and tone used in the cited advertisement and the company website, all show a focus for the mainstream white Caucasian market. The brand, as with other perfumes, is priced for women with considerable disposable income, as the unit purchase price is well over $50. - Assumed required Marketing outcome: It is normal for perfumes to offer values far beyond their physical attributes, and Prada has copied this approach. The brand has a futuristic appeal for the modern woman (Prada Company Website, 2006). Prada has traditionally catered to an older segment of women than it appears to have selected for the perfume. Perfume itself is a new line for this fashion company with 19th century roots. The Marketing outcome seems to be for Prada to leverage its goodwill for new market segment entry. (Prada, 2006) Proforma B Required Marketing Outcome: To enable Prada to cater to a younger demographic group than its traditional base, with an entry in to a new product line, related to traditional textile and leather lines of fashion products. Secondly, the brand should make best use of the existing goodwill for the Prada name. The promotion efforts should result in a significant market presence for the Prada brand in the perfume segment. There is no access to actual sales and contribution targets set by Prada for the perfume, but it is safe to assume that the company would affect

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is democracy making gains in Asia C.Q. Researcher, July 24, 1998, vol Research Paper

Is democracy making gains in Asia C.Q. Researcher, July 24, 1998, vol. 8, issue 27 - Research Paper Example Economic liberalization has caused setback to democratization 2. Corruption and poverty cause hindrance to growth of democracy 3. Negative impact of war on terrorism affect democratization 4. Instability in the democratic infrastructure prevent stable democracies 5. Tradition-bound societies resist change 6. Expectations focused on â€Å"Asian values† did not materialize in a big way There is a widespread belief in the West that Asia is a region where democracy has not yet taken roots. But the truth is that the Asian countries have given the world the best ideas and values, which have helped democracy progress world over. Democracy, though in its primitive form had been a familiar notion with Asians because the ethical values that the religions of Asia (Budhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam) proclaim, have been almost the same as democracy (1). The democratic implication of the cultural diversity of Asian countries is some thing that the West finds difficult to understand. Wi th so many cultures and languages integrated as one nation, almost every country in this region is a great model of cultural pluralism (2). The colonization of the Asian subcontinent by the British Empire had its pros and cons for the nations of Asia, in terms of democracy (3). Colonization opened up new channels, which were to bring in, new ideas of equality and democratic governance from Western renaissance to Asia (4). All the same, the colonization process destroyed the inherent social fabric of these countries that had a different kind of cultural tolerance and coexistence built into it (5). And this was the tragedy that occurred for the democracy in Asia. But changes are visible. It is through an evolving synthesis of economic progress, community oriented development and the strengthening human rights movement in Asia that democracy is making gains in this region. Literally, the meaning of the word, democracy, is â€Å"people rule† (6). And the primary definition of dem ocracy can be, â€Å"a freely elected government† (7). As Mosley has suggested, the problem that democracy always will have to face and tackle is, the fact that, â€Å" ‘people’ will have many different interests, all clamouring to be heard and acted upon† (8). In Asia, as said above, the cultural diversity is greater than any other region and hence the clamoring at its peak. But there can also be a second definition for democracy, which says that democracy is a â€Å"government by a simple majority† (9). While refuting the arguments of Samuel Huntington regarding the clashes of civilizations, Schmiegelow has pointed out the role of the rising middle class in the democratization process in Asian countries (10). Quoting Henry Rowen, Schmiegelow has also introduced another approach towards the same subject, which says that the economic growth in these countries has contributed to the democratization process (11). The problem with these two approaches has also been described by Schmiegelow by citing two contrasting examples- the case of Singapore which is very rich but not accepted as a liberal democracy by the world and the case of Burma which is very poor but inherits a very strong democratic movement (12). All these discussion throw light upon the amazing diversity of Asian democratic experience, which can be understood from the following words of Brian Bridges and Lok-Sang Ho: When we view the Asian scene, we can see a vast range of democratic polities, from the huge but

English-language films Essay Example for Free

English-language films Essay Many people wonder these days if peoples lives revolve around the choices they make. This is absolutely true. Everyone in this world is responsible for who they are today. Their choices and ideas pave the road for their future. A quote from Confucius says this, Peoples lives are the result of the choices they make-or fail to make. The path one takes in life is not arbitrary. Choices and their consequences determine the course of every persons life. All people, whatever their circumstances, make the choices on which their lives depend. Confucius is absolutely right. It is a well-known fact that if you take wrong turns in life, you will end up in a wrong state. The regular human psychology states that when a person goes and ends up in a bad state, they blame others and most of the time never take responsibility for it. Take a look at this scene, and look carefully cause this happens all the time no matter the circumstances. There is no way and it is impossible for a child who takes drugs, does alcohol, doesnt obey their parents to find themselves at an Ivy-League college. Sometimes, people change their paths along the way and somewhat improve. But if you keep going in the wrong direction for your entire life, you will not get anywhere. Think about the people who are successful in this world. For examples, lets observe Mark Zuckerberg. He is the youngest billionaire in the world. He was focused, he was determined. In fact he was so passionate about programming that he dropped out of Harvard, the number one school in America. He used his talents, worked his choices and made Facebook. Not all of his choices were good. Some were actually bad; some choices actually got him into trouble with others. This is where the trouble comes in. Wait if some of my choices are good, and some are bad, then whats going to happen with my life? Nothing will actually. All that matters is that the majority will overcome the system. If you have more bad than good, you are more likely to take a wrong turn. If you have more good over wrong, you will most likely take a good turn. Even I have taken wrong turns and bad choices. Everyone has. Nobody in this world is perfect. In fact, taking all good choices and all good turns in life ends up as a bad choice. Even though nobody is perfect, its your own self that will determine your future, what you want to become, your status in life. Thats why its good to switch your determination in life if you are on a bad path. Stick with someone and change your mood. Change your attitude, fix your choices, and keep yourself organized. If you are a person reading this essay, lets say about 12 or 13, even 14 to 18. You still have time. You have so much future ahead of you, dont give up hope cause your choices sometimes do tell your future. Sometimes these choices of yours will end you up in a bad place if you dont work hard. A wise person, my own father once told me that it doesnt make you a bad person if you take bad choices. It makes you a bad person if you dont learn from your bad choices. He also told me that if you want to be someone when you grow up, work hard. In elementary, in middle school, and in high school, work hard so that you can build your base for the future. He concluded with me that once you pay off all your duties, go to college, and graduate, you have the rest of your life to enjoy. Whether its doing your dream job, making millions of dollars, then retiring into a large estate. This is called a dream. If you have more good choices in life, your dream will come to. Trust me, its always worked before.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Impact Of Training And Development Commerce Essay

The Impact Of Training And Development Commerce Essay Human resource management plays an important role in the success of a company. Most of the companies are very keen to pay attention towards their employees. Mainly HRM (Human Resource Management) is all about managing people at work. The most important part of human resource management is Training and Development. It plays a key role in every organisation though few people disagree about the importance of training and development in the success of organisation. Appointing the right person at right time at right place needs more care and attention on the part of personal manager. A clear set of goals and well defined path should be needed for good training. Training changes attitudes, knowledge and skills of employees and also the way they work. A report published by workforce in May 2006 explains that despite focus on efficiency and cost control, companies are spending more and more on training and development. It is reflection of the fact that companies are keen about training and d evelopment to gain competitive advantages. Most of the companies clearly understand that if workers are smarter and better trained they can achieve their goals easily. In any organisation the central factor of Training and development is the human resources or the human capital. Human capital is viewed as the driving the force for the success of the organisation because of their skills, competencies, knowledge and experience (Becker, 1975; Schmidt Lines, 2002; Harrison Kassel, 2004). Background for research Area As researcher wrote in research aim and objectives and according to the topic of research the background of research is Training and development. I will focus on some critical issues regarding to training and development programmes. As Macdonalds is already a world famous food chain so they already using very well Training and development methods but still they need more and more research on training and development processes. Employees are the main assets of all companies. Every company want his employees must be energetic and effective so that the company can lead to the success. Organisational goals are always achieved by employees efficiency so it is an organisational need that their employees must be well trained. (Torrington et al, 2005). Organisations are taking great interest regarding their employees performance in these days. All organisations make sure that their employees are getting good and up to date training and development programmes. Although there are many types of training and development programmes some give more effective and energetic employees to organisation (Sun, 2003; Skinner et al, 2003; Lee 2001). Human Resource Management has a key role to play in training the employees. Cowling and Mailer (1998) suggests that basically training is given to both new employees and to employees who recently moved to a new work area. They also said that in change process training is also very necessary. Thats y training and development becomes one of the most important tasks which HRM manager has to look at. The amount and kind of training is very important for manager they should be aware of this. A manager should always focus firstly on type of training methods they are using and then it is also very important for a manager to make sure that those training methods are being put in practise through a proper channel. A proper method of training in a proper channel makes an employee more effective and efficient (Bratton and Gold, 2003). This research paper aims to identify the training needs of suggested organisation. The method of training needed and the benefit of training to the organisation will be be discuss in this paper. This report will also tell that weather organisation achieved its Goals and aim by the help of training and development. McDonalds Restaurants Limited has been selection for research because it is very easy for me to get information because the management is very friendly to academic research. And they can also learn new things from research. The Most important reason for choosing McDonalds is that I myself am the Employee of McDonalds. Company Background McDonalds is one of the famous global brands that have spread its presence over the last 52 years. The company was started in 1955 by Roy Croc with the first restaurant being opened in Des Plaines, US. This restaurant is no longer in operation now and has been turned into a museum. McDonalds brand mission is to be our customer, favourite place and way to eat. The companys worldwide operations are bounded by a global strategy called the Plan to Win which concentrates on the five basics of an exceptional customer experience, people, products, place, price and promotion. The company is committed to improving their operations and thereby enhancing the customers experience (McDonalds 2010). McDonalds is the leading global foodservice retailer that has more than 32,000 local restaurants in more than 117 countries. According to the company reports these restaurants serve approximately 50 million each day. McDonalds is one of the worlds most well-known and valuable brands. It holds a leading share in the globally branded fast-food restaurants segment in virtually every country in which they do business. The company is proud that it serves the world some of its favourite foods like French Fries, Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Chicken Mc Nuggets and Egg Muffin. The procedures followed by the company have been developed over the years. This is one area that differentiates the company from other fast-food restaurants. The attitude of the organization towards work and standards is evident from the words Roy Kroc who stated that if you have got time to lean, you have got time to clean (McDonalds, 2010). The company has procedures in place to ensure that the right candidates go through the system and attain higher positions if they can prove their abilities. It is worth noticing that the company claims that 20 out of the top 50 management staff started in McDonalds restaurants, including the CEO, Don Thompson and also 67,000 McDonalds restaurants managers and assistant managers started as restaurant staff (McDonalds 2010). This is significant considering that some take as long as 10 years to get to assistant manager position (McDonalds 2010). The organization has ensured that people with potential are spotted and retained. In hospitality and fast-food industry, the attrition rate is high and, despite this, the organization to ensure that it motivates its staff and also to keep on motivating them to put in a better performance. It is therefore of very high importance for the organization to ensure that it motivates its staff and also looks after their satisfaction with the job that th ey are doing. The company uses different approaches at different levels in the organization. The responsibility of motivating staff at the restaurant level is given to the restaurant manager and the assistant manager who use promotion as a tool to achieve this. They have to ensure that they can attain lower rates of attrition and also motivate the staff so that they are satisfied by both the job as well as the organization. This is achieved by the organization by using structured training and development programme besides the use of many other tools. McDonalds opened their first UK restaurant in Woolwich, London in 1974, today the company has over 1,250 restaurants across the UK McDonalds (UK) employs over 67,000 people, 43,000 within the company restaurants and a further 24,000 are employed by the franchisees. On average the company serves over 2.5 million customers every day. According to Peter Beresford (McDonalds 2006) people in the organization are very important, and so is their continuous development. There are different approaches that organization uses to train their staff at various levels of employment. This research has been started to identify how the staff are trained and developed at the restaurant level. The research is based in Charing Cross restaurant to conduct the research the reason for choosing these have bee mentioned in upcoming chapter. In the attempt to gain insight into the practices followed by the organization at restaurant level. Statement of Problem The core problem of this study is: Why training and development policies should be implemented by McDonalds and what is the role of the line managers at restaurant level in achieving better training for the employees? The main concern in this study is behaviour of company or an organisation which they show towards their employees. Organisation should ensure that their staffs are well trained in most aspects of their businesses (Torrington et al., 2005). Training and development of the chosen organisation is of interest with respect to the current studies. Statement of purpose As for as statement of purpose is concern the topic which writer have chose is very much interesting for me. Researcher is an employee of McDonalds and researcher really wants to search about training and development processes in McDonalds. Another reason for choosing Training and Development is because it is very important part of Human Resource and Management which is a also a subject of writer specialization and in future writer would love to research more about HRM and Training and development. In almost every organisation HRM is very important for a company so this is also a reason. Significance of the problem This topic is a very broad topic and very much important in any organisation. Every organisation admits that employees are the main assets so their top priority is to train the employees to achieve their goals. The main object of a manager is to discover a problem in an organisation and after that he decides which type of training is required for which employer. In general training and development helps increasing productivity of the employees, team spirit, organisational culture, organisational climate, quality and health and safety. Research Aim and Objectives The aim and objective of this project are as following: To identify the strategies available for training and development. To identify if there are any training and development programs in place in the organisation. Ti identify to what extent the program has been successfully implemented and if it is improving employee productivity as well as organisational productivity. To make recommendations for the future training and development programs so as to increase the benefits for the research organisation. Research questions What HRM practices are usually implemented in McDonalds Charing Cross? What HRM practices are usually implemented by other fast food in retail sector? Why training and development is important in the fast food in retail sector? What other HRM strategies could McDonald does adopt to enhance employees training and development? How employees are trained for modern technology? Chapter-2 the Literature Review Human resource management is one the major area of research in the business studies. There are many sub topics like recruitment, selection, induction, employee retention, and training and development. Training and development is the topic on which writer will research that how it is being applied in current research organisation. A discussion is raised about human resource development, organisational development, and organisational learning to understand how training and development fits into the whole picture for the success of any company/organisation in business world. Human Resource Development There are different types of HRD definition. The definition which is provided by UK Human resource development Council which is follows as Human resource development is basically a part of Human Resource and Management (HRM) which specifically deals with the training and development of employees. HRD would include training an individual after he or she is hired, providing opportunities to learn new skills, distributing resources which are beneficial for the employees task, and any other developmental activities. Human Resource Development is used for supporting employees to improve their personal and organisational skills, knowledge and abilities. HRD includes opportunities like performance management and development, employee training, employee career development, coaching, mentoring, succession planning, key employee identification, tuition assistance, and organisation development. Human Resource Development can be formal such like class room training or a college course or an orga nizational planned change effort. On the other hand HRD can be informal as a manager coaching his employee. The main focus of all aspects of Human Resource Development and training the most senior management so that organizations and individual employees can together achieve their goals in customer service (Susan et al.,2010). Many people say that there is a difference between HRM and HRD. According to them Human Resource is a major management activity and Human resource development is a profession. They might think HRM in HRD because in their point of view HRD involves in many activities to develop personnel inside of organisations, e.g., training, carer development, organisational development, organisational learning, etc. In most of the organisation the focus has moved from piecemeal training activities to more systematic human resource development. Organizations are changing their priorities. Organizations are becoming learning organizations and they are keeping them away from training individual employee. The competitive advantage of any firm comes from development of an organizations human capital. This is helping in learning experience of an employee and as a whole. According to Sloman (1994) the systematic training model depends on a series of a logical steps define as a training policy, a method for identifying training needs, the formulation of training objectives, the development of a training plan, the implementation of a planned training programme, validation, evaluation and review of training. Companies are trying to adopt high level of training model to meet their skill needs and they are linking training to strategic initiatives. Traditional training models are being rejected by many comp anies. There have been many changes in responsibility in line with the growth of HRM, delayering and divisonalisation. Training is seen as a job of line managers, with specialist trainers being used as an internal consultancy resource. The new approach needs a very effective communication system between the strategic decision makers, line managers and specialist trainers. This is now understood that employees are main asset of any organization. Bank of Montreal Chairman says employees key to maximising continued growth. 27 February 2001 Bank of Montreal shareholders were told that employees are the real key to sustaining competitive advantage and financial performance. At the banks 183rd annual meeting in Vancouver the chairman said The foundation of Bank Montreals continued growth and success, and the only way to achieve its competitive advantage is through the performance of its 33.000 people. Even there is no doubt that investments in technology, products or delivery systems can be matched by competitors, since nothing profitable remains exclusive for long. The only sure and permanent way to stay ahead of the competition is to employ the most capable people and to ensure they are given every best opportunity to do their very best work, (Camper, 2001). From this example it is very clear that the bank is confident of the investment it has made in pe ople. Human Resource Development (HRD) is a title which represents the latest evolutionary stage in the long tradition of training, educating and developing people for the purpose of contributing towards the achievement of individual, organizational and social objectives. HRD as with the title HRM are like nuts and bolts of an organisation that can be interchanged and dispensed with at will. Drucker suggested the term biological HRD to vehemence the living nature of the people with in the organisation. The scope of education is broader then the scope of training. Education has also a less immediate and less specific application than training and is often perceived as being delivered in educational institutions. Education is regarded as surrounding knowledge, skills and attitudes (Bloom et al, 1956). Distinguish between education and training could be very problematic. The example of difference between training and education is like young child coming home and saying we had sex training tod ay. Now this is a severe contrast to sex education classes that involve a theoretical rather than a practical application of learning. Frank investigated theoatical base of HRD in order to distinguish it from other fields and told that HRD is based on research and theories strained from the field of adult education and is very different from learning process that occurs in children. Frank also said that HRD is concerned with better performance within a work environment but it is not about improving peoples health and personal relation with their family. HRD also tells that how theory of change relate to an organisation and how an organisation use these theories (Frank, 1988). Human resource development is the study and practise by the help of which we can increase the learning capacity of individuals, groups, collectives, and organisations through the development and application of learning based inventions for the purpose of optimising human and organisational growth and effectiveness(chalofsky, 1992). Strategic role of HRD is increased a lot by strategic pressure and this includes accelerated rate of change, focus of quality, globalization of business, increased elasticity and reaction of organisations, increased pressure to show the involvement of human resources, new competitive structure and new technology(Graven et al, 1995).HRD contributed in many ways at all organizational levels to provide support with the help of all these pressure. In today business environment HRD is not only supporting the business strategies of organisations but it is also very useful in shaping of business strategy. HRD increase the competence of employees to fulfil the organisation present performance demand along with meeting present organisational needs (Swanson, 1995). Strategic HRD is helping organisations to respond challenges and opportunities. It also helps in telling line managers supervisors and managers their roles. The continuous assessment of learning and development and enabling them to advance their careers and supporting organisational growth. The organisational environment consist of approximately six main departments, which are shown in figure below and name as distribution, finance, human resources, marketing, production and research design. These all departments are related to one another although most of the organisation outsourced some of the elements such as distribution(John P.Wilson, 2005). Training and development is very important in every time and in every organisation weather it is small or big and Human resource and development is like back bone for any organisation because people are main asset of any organisation. Organisational development and organisational learning Organisational development has come out as a key element in the strategic management of change. OD (Organisational Development) provide focus for the cultural and organisational change which is needed a lot for continuous improvement, support systems, culture and activities to the success of organisational goals. It enables better use of financial, human and technological resources, promote a better sense of organisational purpose and it is hence more likely to bring the required performance improvement. OD is a dynamic valued based approach to systems change in organisations and communities. In simpler OD defined as a behavioural science approach to the improvement of organisational efficiency which should lead to the accomplishment of organisational objectives. In practise OD is about moving the organisation on purpose. In any organization OD create an environment which enables staff to understand and deliver the organisations objective. It support managers and staff in accomplish their aims and objectives through the condition of an infrastructure for performance and development. OD involves both hard and soft issues. Strategies, policies, structure and system are considered as hard issues whereas developing skills, behaviour, attitudes, culture and style of leadership which enable the organisation to achieve performance are considered as soft issues. To avoid conflict between goals and needs both of these issues should be addressed. A strong and successful organizational development can be not easy because it involves undertake issues related with change and service improvement. In any process of organisational development following steps should be keep in mind like establishing a central point to organize and support organisational development activities. Organisational development should within the organisational structure correctly. We should be flexible and creative in using approach to the organisational development. Organisation should take important steps to build proper organisational skills and capacity. Momentum should be keep going. Organisational development, wherever apply, attempts to improve the overall success of the organisation (Tina Buckle, 2005). Chapter Three Research Methodology Research Strategy This chapter elaborates how the research study was carried out. It is also talks about the limitation of the research and the methods used in this research. After looking at the literature available on training and development the research will look at the methodology which is use to perform the research. The research process onion (saunders et. al., 2003) is one of the most used research process structures. Using this structure we can classify different approaches, strategies and data collection method available under the different research philosophies. The research philosophy depends on the aims of the research along with its objectives. But in this case the philosophy being applied is not single and it is a mix of two philosophies. This research clearly shows a very higher influence of phenomenology in its approach to get the findings (Hussey and Hussey, 1997). This is mostly because the research does not pre define variables, but discover human behaviour in naturalistic settings , i.e., the research organisations. In this research the approach being applied is that of deduction. In good research design charts there is always a detailed research plan that how the research will be conducted . it will not only anticipate but also specify the decisions interconnected with the plan and explain how the data processing, data collection and analysis will be carried out, but will also represent a logical basis for each of these decisions (Blaxter et al, 2oo1). There are two approaches to reasoning which may result in this gaining of new knowledge, namely inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning is a theory building process starting with observation of exact instances, and seeking to establish generalisation about the phenomenon under investigation. Deductive reasoning is a theory testing process which commences with an established theory or generalization, and seeks to see if the theory relate to specific case (William, 2005). This current research looks at previous theories in relation to training and development and then sees if any or all o f these theories are applicable from organisational prospective. So we can say that this research attempts to identify the issues surrounding training and development by applying the deductive approach. We can achieve better results by the combination of research approaches. Under the deductive approach we use multiple strategies for research. For better results it is suggested to combine different approaches. It can be deduced that it is ok to mix and match approach different research strategies under the deductive approach. The strategy which we used in current research are research as an exploratory study and as a case study. The current research will be the combination of these two strategies on the basis of the information which we collected from the education sources as mentioned in the next paragraph. This current research could be ascertained to be a case study as only the study of small set of restaurants is involved which might not reflect the actual scenario in the whole organization taken in a holistic approach. This case study also allows the researcher to look at the population which might be similar in terms of jobs profile and work area, and on the basis of this the researcher could produce some overview. As exploratory research allows the researcher to address general informed questions from observation of the data collected, this type of case study is often very helpful to stimulate the further research. According to Robeson (2002), as cited by Saunders et al (2003), enquiries can be classified in term of their purposes as well as the research strategy used. Mostly the classification is used in three fold one of exploratory, descriptive and explanatory. According to Saunders et all(2003) are very common and valuable to find the proper conclusion. Hussey and Hussey (1997) define expenatery research as; it is a research which is based on looking for new ideas. Exploratory research always have great advantages so this research falls under it. The most important advantages are flexibility and adaptability to change. On the other hand explanatory research is seen to be flexible as it has a broad focus but while progressing it gets narrow. It involves in formation of original idea and not testing or confirming the existing research area it is difficult to manage in short period as in the current case. This type of research needs a lot of study and time. If we look in the current case the researcher is trying to gain insights into the variables chosen in the research organisation. This research is classed as exploratory research as it is tryingto identify the influence of training and development to an organization as well as to an individ ual and also that how it helps in development of both. The researcher felt that these two methods are ideal and suit the research question because it allows the researcher to look at the organisations working style individually and also the whole organisation by using the exploration as it main tool. Time horizons is another aspect of the onion process that should be mentioned. We will class this result as a cross sectional research because of limited time available to conduct the research. According to Saunders et al (2003) and Hussey and Hussey (1997) that such researches comes under the cross sectional studies which are studies of a particular phenomenon at a particular time. These type of researches are designed such that they look that what is happening in a particular time using a research area in research setting. Most of the researches conducted at Masters and Bachelors are classed under this category. (Turabian, 1987). Data Collection Method After deciding the research strategies the next step is to collect the data. The researcher uses the both primary and secondary data to perform the analysis and come to a conclusion. Normally secondary data are of the following types. Documentary (which is written or non written material) Survey (censuses, regular or ad-hoe surveys). Hakim (2000) defines secondary data as the data that were collected for another purpose and already exist somewhere. To find the findings of the research the researcher need to know about what has been written in same area. By using literature review the researcher can find that how their findings are similar or dissimilar to the research which was conducted previously (Easterby-Smith et al, 2002). According to Churchill (1991), the first step in any research is to collect secondary data to see whether the problem can be or wholly solved without collecting costly primary data. Similarly according to Kevin (1999) believes that secondary data provide the researcher with a source that they can use to answer or at least begin to answer the research question. Since the conducted from the organisational perspective so it is very necessary to understand the previous researches which has been conducted in the organisation and in the same industry. Hakim (2000) says that sometimes researchers may need to understand and relate previous researches that have already been performed in similar circumstances. Researcher can also use publication data which is industry specific or area specific and relates to the research question (Kevin, 1999). Secondary data was not only used as a reference frame for study but also was a channel to Chapter -6 References Work Force, May 2006, Training and Development available at last accessed on [28/01/10] McDonalds, 2010, Our Company available at last accessed on [28/01/01] Sun,H. (2003), conceptual clarifications for organisational learning, learning organisation and a learning organisational, Human Resource Development International, vol.6 No 2,pp.153-66. Skinner, J., Pownall, I. Cross, P. (2003), Is HRD practiced in micro- SMEs?, Human Resource Development International, Vol.6 No.4, pp. 475-89. Torrington, D., Hall L., and Taylor, s., (2005). Human Resource Management, 6th ed, Prentice Hall Europe, Essex, Uk Lee, M. (2001), A Refusal to Define HRD, Human Resource Development International, Vol.4 No.3, pp. 327-41. Bratton, J., and Gold, J.,(2003)Human Resource Management: Theory and Practise, 3rd ed, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

information Needs Essay -- Technology, The Internet, Information Syste

Information needs Now a day’s Within the revolution and challenging in information and communication knowledge and technologies, stream of information enormously increased ( Huotari,2001) .The Internet is a new channel for academic resources, and contains the massive amount of information. Also it is significant that the user is conscious of the diverse information that is available on the Internet, and educated in what measurable should be evaluated (Case, 2007 ) . The most important function of information system if to occupied and full filed the needs for document s and information needs for the users. Recently classification and Identification of information needs is essential to the developed the information systems in general and also to the provision of effective information services (Budzik , Hammond, Marlow, & Scheinkman ,1998) . such needs are related to the instructive behavior and such needs to improve the users knowledge to make a decision . Each customer and user have a different type of information need depending on what they are trying to find , If organizations can determine the most common information needs , they can select the best components to address those information needs(Case, 2007) . internet provides sources to seek and achieve information and appropriate the information needs in different stages of the search process (Bhatti ,2010) .The first step to recognize information needs is to approve different and new methods to collects and gather information on the various factors that influence the information needs (Werner , Horst, & Werner , 1997) In Today’s world , within rise of the Internet and technologies , users are more closer to search and find they needs ,and its s... .... However most of the site outlined several major problems associated with information needs within a low quality and low value in hospitality industry In the competitive marketplace in each industry, publishing the information can help to attract the customers and improve the profit for the organization developmental advances ,In addition to determine the power full organizations Identification of information needs is essential factor to design information systems and to the provision of effective information services to the customers and users ( Customer Information needs is affected by a selection of aspects such as: The variety of information sources that available on the web site ; Selected that which information’s have to used ,awareness about the customer and users and the visitors background, needs , and individuality such as social ,economical (

Friday, October 11, 2019

Honor :: College Admissions Essays

A Question of Honor Since my most important objectives in life are growing in my relationship with God and becoming a respected man of irrefutable integrity, I find that my lifestyle complements the moral expectations and responsibilities required of cadets attending the United States Air Force Academy. My parents have instructed me in principles that closely parallel the Academy's Honor Code, and I have chosen to integrate those into all aspects of my lifestyle. Without a doubt, I will not experience any difficulty adopting the Honor Code as a way of life for I currently practice this and will continue to do so. In fact, I am pleased that the Academy requires moral excellence of "tomorrow's Air Force leaders" for this is precisely the type of leader I desire to become. The basic morals and principles, such as contained in the Honor Code, are being disregarded and shunned in overwhelming numbers by our country. An especially visible example is today's political arena. A large percentage of the American public considers politicians and elected officials to be corrupt and selfish. Politicians spurred on by greed become dishonest to escape a potentially embarrassing situation, to win an election, or to take advantage of an unsuspecting constituent. As a result of these publicized events, politicians everywhere have acquired a poor reputation and an even worse public image. By no means am I saying that this is characteristic of all politicians. However, as top government officials and representatives of our nation, politicians, elected officials, and leaders should set a moral example. In order to restore their reputations and rectify any past dishonorable actions, it would behoove all politicians to live a lifestyle that is consistent with the United S tates Air Force Academy Honor Code. Then, as they become men and women of character, they will earn and receive the respect of the American people.

How does Fitzgerald tell the story in chapter 3? Essay

In chapter 3 Fitzgerald introduces us to the main character of his book, and we finally get an insight into what Gatsby is like (albeit through the eyes of Nick Carraway) during the party he throws. Even though we meet the character himself, Fitzgerald continues to entice us with rumours of Gatsby, which is significant because it shows just how artificial his entire life is – he couldn’t dispel the rumours even if he wanted to. Throughout the party in chapter three, we meet a variety of different characters, which almost seem to act as tour guides; however, as soon as they’ve said their part, they seem to almost evaporate into the night. Each person has their own snippet of seemingly useless information, ‘She had a fight with a man who says he’s her husband’ or ‘somebody told me they thought he killed a man once’, its almost as if they’re not actually characters- merely rumours that have been personified to make the night more exciting. Conversely, one character with no rumour to spread is ‘Owl Eyes’, a ‘somewhat drunk’ man with ‘enormous owl eyed spectacles’ – typically a sign of wisdom, which is completely disregarded in this particular personality, as he conclude the main ideas in this chapter, these being that instead of wanting to talk to people at a party to gain insight about that person, the aim of talking t o people at Gatsby’s party is to procure an understanding into Gatsby’s character alone. As well as using Owl Eyes’ spectacles to enforce this point, Fitzgerald also chooses to base him in a library, surrounded by knowledge yet still painfully drunk and clueless. The fact that Owl Eyes thought the books were a â€Å"nice durable cardboard’ and was suitably impressed that they were in fact ‘real books’ portrays just how artificial everything is at Gatsby’s parties, and just how surprising it is to find something solid and genuine. These tour guides like Jordan, Owl Eyes and Nick himself, give us a very jolted view of the night, but the structure throughout chapter 3 was still very consistent and definitively chronological, however this completely changed at the end, Nick seems to come out of his narrators view point and instead talks to the reader directly.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Changing Behavior Case Study Analysis Essay

A client approached me because he has a serious problem with procrastination. My client has procrastinated most activities that were not comfortable or enjoyable for as far back as he can remember. Procrastinated activities include but are not limited to paying bills, doing homework assignments, making progress on assigned projects in the office, buying presents for birthdays or holidays and scheduling just about anything. Due to this undesirable behavior my client has lost a few jobs, failed out of school and is behind on his mortgage. Of all of these activities my client would like assistance with procrastination as it relates to paying bills since that seems to be the most pressing issue. It should be noted that the procrastination has increased in frequency since childhood. My client blames this behavior for the extraordinary amount of stress in his life. Classical Conditioning: Classical Conditioning could be a source of my client’s procrastination. In classical conditioning an unconditioned stimulus is observed to create an unconditioned response. If a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus then eventually the conditioned stimulus will also evoke the same response as the unconditioned stimulus. The response to a conditioned stimulus is called a conditioned response. (Morris, C., & Maisto, 2013) In my client’s case the unconditioned stimulus was paying bills with the family as a child. Money was tight in his family and the lack of money caused many arguments. The arguments resulted in very stressful situations that my client wanted to avoid. To put this in terms of classical conditioning, the unconditioned stimulus was the lack of money. The unconditioned response was an argument that caused stress that my client tried to avoid. Since the arguments over money happened primarily when it was time to pay bills the condition ed stimulus became paying off bills. The conditioned response was to avoid the stress caused by paying bills by procrastinating. The repeated pairing of the stress from arguing while paying bills strengthened the desire to avoid the situation resulting in the  habitual behavior problem of procrastination. Had the stress from arguing occurred only occasionally over bills, also known as intermittent pairing (Morris, C., & Maisto, 2013), then it may have been less likely that my client would procrastinate his bill paying. In this scenario you could compare my client’s procrastination with the results from Pavlov’s experiment with his dogs. Pavlov’s experiment measured how much his dogs would salivate when food was introduced. The food and salivation were the unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response respectively. Pavlov also rang a bell each time he fed the dogs. After some time Pavlov noticed that his dogs would salivate when the bell rang even if there was no food present. In this way the bell became the conditioned stimulus that elicited the conditioned response of the dogs saliv ating. (Morris, C., & Maisto, 2013) Operant Conditioning: If we look at my client’s behavior from the perspective of operant conditioning then we have to determine if there were reinforcers or punishers that affected the desired, or undesired, behavior. To explain how operant conditioning could cause procrastination we first need to define reinforcers and punishers. In Operant conditioning a reinforcer is some sort of stimulus that is introduced after the desired behavior that encourages the behavior. A punisher on the other hand is a stimulus that is introduced after the behavior in order to discourage the behavior. Thorndike’s Law of Effect states that behavior that is rewarded often will be â€Å"stamped in† and that behavior that causes some sort of discomfort will be â€Å"stamped out†. (Morris, C., & Maisto, 2013) Using the same example we used for classical conditioning, we will discuss my client’s undesired behavior of procrastinating bill payments using an operant conditioning scenario. In this case paying bills was the behavior. The punisher was the yelling and arguing that caused the feeling of stress. Due to continued exposure to the â€Å"stress of paying bills† my client developed an aversion to paying them. Thus his procrastination could be considered an operant behavior. This is backed up by Thorndike’s Law of Effect as stated above. (Morris, C., & Maisto, 2013) Cognitive and Social Learning Theories: The social learning theories can be applied to my client’s undesired behavior of procrastination and in my opinion may make more sense than the other two theories of operant and classical conditioning. As a child my client was exposed to the stress caused by lack of money that my client related to bills. My client learned the behavior that bills were not fun to pay and should be avoided at an early age. This is a blend of cognitive and social learning. My client did not realize that he had learned to avoid paying bills. This is an example of latent learning since the behavior was learned but had not been demonstrated yet. Edward Chace Tolman was a pioneer in cognitive learning theories who theorized that learning does not have to be observable in order for it to have occurred. (Morris, C., & Maisto, 2013). The effect of the unpleasant bill paying experiences was observed from the actions of the parents. My client was not actually paying bills as a child so the behavior was obs erver, or learned vicariously, from the parents as they paid bills. Specifically my client observed a vicarious punishment for the act of paying bills which resulted in a desire to avoid the stress involved in paying bills. This latent behavior manifested later in life as procrastination. Recommendation: While there are options available with each theory discussed above I would recommend an operant conditioning solution for my client. A reinforcer could be added to the bill paying process in order to make the behavior of paying bills on time more pleasant. The reward would need to be practical but significant enough to overcome the anticipated stress that my client associates with paying bills. Over time the act of paying bills will be associated with pleasant results rather than the stress of his childhood. Thorndike would probably say this behavior is â€Å"Stamped In† to my client once we are finished with the conditioning. References Morris, C., & Maisto, A. (2013). Understanding psychology (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Facquier Gas Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Facquier Gas Company - Case Study Example These specifications are designed to accommodate the gas flow which should start flowing in September. Thus, in this case there are two variables for consideration and require the company to act fast so that it completes the installation of the pipes before September. Additionally, due to the increase in demand, the thickness of the pipe, which determines the volume of gas passing per unit time, has to be increased as well. There are two problems with reference to the case of Facquier Gas Company. Firstly, in order to reflect the desired changes that will lead the company to acquiring more sales and supply to more customers, the company, through Mr. Murphy is burdened with the task of accommodating major lead times. This means that the supply of the required products will foreseeably experience some delays related to the fact that Facquier Gas Company’s orders would not be fitted in the schedules of suppliers. Additionally, from Mr. Murphy’s understanding, the company has formerly used different specifications for the pipes such as 3/8 inch while the current design uses 3/7 inch thickness. The length of the pipe in former specifications has been 35-45 feet in length. Eventually, the consideration of order the products within a short schedule is also faced with a constraint of lead time. This is the case with the wrapper and coal tar as one company supplying the coal tar s located at Phila delphia while he one to supply the wrappers is located in Atlanta. a. To adapt the new design specifications as they are in order to meet the current demand and at the same time offset the time wastage the 3/8-inch pipes contribute for attracting regular standards’ inspections (Cowen, 2014). b. The company should consider acquiring the products with the new specifications but consider choosing a different logistics channel offering quicker delivery packages. Although the quicker delivery will increase costs, it will ensure that

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Project Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project Management - Case Study Example The firm sold industry equipment through personal contacts and personal relationships of the top end staff. When the CRM system was decided to be licensed, there were huge arguments about its necessity since such a system would not be suited for selling industry equipment. However the decision was made by the high-ups and the license was bought. The implementation of this system was not as successful as was expected because there was no alignment between the business objectives and the technological objectives. The results the top-end of the management wanted to achieve could only be achieved up to 50% and the huge investment became a waste. If a more customized and industry usable system had been purchased like a Supply Chain System or an Enterprise Resource Plan, then the results would have been much better. (Jessup & Valacich, 2007) The project aimed at involving the industry clients to communicate through the CRM system with the organization telling them about the quantity they want to purchase, any customizations they require and the time of delivery etc. Orders from the clients came in bulk and were quite infrequent. Managing these orders had been easy in the past and it was being manually without any problems. Since no boom in the industry was expected, this project was also considered as not being able to utilize its full potential. The problem in this case was the poor judgment of the scenario at hand by the top management. They wanted to automate the ordering and delivery systems however the technological side of the CRM could do much more than automating these two functions. The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0 was also able to maximize the marketing capabilities of the organization. In this case, marketing wasn't the objective and no one had ever thought about marketing the industry equipment into a brand name. The company had never put up nay ads and didn't even have a marketing department. (Microsoft, 2008) The CRM 3.0 also helps to improve the customer relationships with the clients. The company got business from personal contacts and generating goodwill and relationships wasn't really a problem. Therefore this objective from the technology side of the new system was also negated. (Microsoft, 2008) Lastly the CRM system empowered the users for the entire sales cycles. In some sense this was the only objective the organization wanted to achieve from the new system. However this module was also sparingly used by the organization due to infrequent orders. (Microsoft, 2008) The project should have been aligned with the objectives the organization was trying to achieve only then the IT team should have been involved to give ideas to suggest a solution for the problem at hand. In this case the IT department would most probably have suggested that the current business model of manual work was best until more business was acquired. The problem that we see here is not with the implementation of the project, rather with the thinking of the high-end managers. (Morgan, 2002) According to Livingston (2004), one of the drivers for mismanagement and misalignment of organizational goals to technological goals is the varying view of business executives on the role or affects that IT integration could have on their companies. In this case the executives were thinking that profound results would be