Saturday, August 10, 2019

Theories and idiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theories and idiology - Essay Example An individual, a group, nation or state might believe in theory or ideology because of many reasons such as injustice, or any form discrimination practiced against them. It also might be the economic situation that helped this theory or ideology to be espoused. Another reason is the greed of colonialism from one state to another practiced by a leader or dictator such as Hitler. This essay ‎will be discussing three of the most popular ideologies, which are feminism, nationalism and globalism. In addition, a review and examination of each of the theories’ core ideas and its primary variations will be done. A comparison of those core ideas across the three theories and ideologies will be provided. It will go in depth to discover any commonalities or sharp distinctions between the theories. Feminism is one of the controversial theories among feminists or non-feminist. From the non-feminist perspective that women are humans as men and the declaration of human rights ensures all rights for both parties. On the other hand, feminists do not agree with that and ask for rights that were not given to them. Females do not look at themselves as sex objects, rather they recognize their gender dynamics and what they want to consider as their choice and as what they can do to their societies. Feminists want to free women from the dominance of masculine systems. They are not equal, even with the language, for instance, Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence and wrote, â€Å"All men are created equal,† (Sargent, 166). Another example of the language used by system For example, â€Å"a female first-year university student is called a freshman. Why? Not long ago women could not attend the universities, and the term implies that. Of course, language use change s, and most people now use freshman to refer to both male and female first-year students; but the word is a relic of past sexual discrimination† (Sargent, 166). More than

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