Friday, March 13, 2020

Ching China essays

Ching China essays In the 17th and 18th centuries, China appeared to be the superpower of the world. China possessed a strong government, a rich cultured way of life and noble leaders. The countrys population was bursting; their art and gardens were envied, and yet had very little contact with western civilization. Ching China had achieved the mandate of heaven and was flowered with gifts from the gods. The mandate in Heaven was achieved if the emperor was a good man with his power. The country would prosper and be free of bad events. Although not all parts of the country appeared to be in great elation. There was still suffering. Even the richest country in the world, still had the poorest of the poor. Emperor Kang-hsi had the love of his people. He was an admiral emperor and ruled for over 50 years. Kang-hsi once stated be considerate to officials and act as a father to the people, protect the state before danger comes and govern well before there is any disturbance, be always diligent and always careful, and maintain balance between leniency and strictness, between principle and expediency, so that long-range plans can be made for the country. ( Emperor of China pg. 114) This is one of the many powerful statements the emperor had made in his years under the throne. He appeared to possess the ideology of Ying and Yang, the idea that universe is made up of opposing forcers, good and evil, etc. The emperor was often willing to listen to criticism from his disciples and in the San Fran War of 1673-1681, accepted responsibility for his actions and admitted the war was his fault. (Emperor of China pg. 37) The Ching government was very strong and powerful at this time. No wars or succession had plagued the Ching dynasty. (World History pg. 550) The inherited the same system from the Ming dynasty before them. (World History pg. 551) The Ching dynasty created upward mobility through the ex ...

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