Saturday, December 28, 2019

Peer Literature Review Journal - 1316 Words

Methods To evaluate corresponding authors’ attitudes towards the involvement of PMWs in the development of peer-reviewed publications, we conducted a short online survey to assess their opinions. Selection of journals and potential authors We identified potential corresponding authors of published peer-reviewed articles to survey through the following steps: 1) identification of the journals; 2) search and selection of the articles; 3) review of each article and selection of the authors. Identification of the journals We extracted a listing of journal names classified by therapy area, disease, Impact Factor (IF), and circulation rate using Journal Selector as a search tool (Table 1). Journal Selector is the industry’s leading database of†¦show more content†¦Review of each article and selection of the authors We reviewed the newly defined article database to assess if each article respected the selected criteria. Therefore, we included only articles on randomised controlled clinical trials (RCTs). We excluded systematic reviews and post-hoc analysis. Most selected articles (70%; 209/298) were registered on the international or on the European EudraCT clinical trials databases. A few articles of corresponding authors of the Asia-Pacific regions were registered in local database, such as the ANZCTR, the online registry of clinical trials being undertaken in Australia and New Zealand. Over one-third (38%; 113/298) of the selected RCTs articles were pharmaceutical funded. Because several corresponding authors were authors of more than one articles published in our selected peer-reviewed journals, we identified a total of 240 corresponding authors to survey (Table 2). We estimated that this samples size of corresponding authors was sufficient to test our hypothesis and reac h a response rate (RR) of 10-15%. Development of survey We developed a survey of 10 questions using SurveyMonkey, an online survey designer that enables to create surveys quickly and easily ( We deliberately kept the number of questions low to improve RR. Our 10 questions included 4 multiple choice, 3 rating, and 3 open-ended questions (AppendixShow MoreRelatedPeer Review And Writing Style Essay875 Words   |  4 PagesWhen Research, Peer Review and Writing Style Meet Bringing new evidence based practice to the bedside involves a multi-faceted approach involving research, peer review, and publication of new ideas. Research is necessary for the discovery of scientific advancement. Peer review is necessary to ensure the integrity of research findings prior to publication. Adherence to writing principles and style are necessary to convey research findings vetted by peer review. Poorly written research findingsRead MoreWhat Is Peer Review?960 Words   |  4 PagesThe literature review What is peer review? 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A different type of journal article; notRead MoreTypes Of Peer Review : Review1158 Words   |  5 PagesTypes of peer review There are different journals which follow different types of peer review, based on the kind of research they publish as well as their journal management style. The single and double-blinded peer reviews are the most commonly adopted by many journals. In the single-blind review, the reviewer is aware of the author’s identity, but not vice versa. In the double-blind review, both the author and reviewer are not aware of the other’s identity. In the recent time, some academic journals

Friday, December 20, 2019

Importance Of Cell Phones In The Classroom - 1719 Words

The idea of cell phones in the classroom is an immensely debated topic. Researchers and professors have done research and conducted experiments to decide if having technology in the classroom is beneficial or simply a distraction. Many school’s policies on the use of technology vary depending on the type of education system. The statistics given based on whether cell phone use is permitted at school is oftentimes used to support one side of the argument. People tend to lean towards a specific side of the argument based on the evidence given. Ramesh Sharma’s â€Å"Cell phones in the classroom† supports the idea of cell phones in the classroom while Sylvia McDonald’s â€Å"The effects and predictor value of in-class texting behavior on final course†¦show more content†¦McDonald uses a credible institution as a base for her research. McDonald does not completely disagree with the use of cellphones in the classroom. Cell phones can be an excellent f orm of communication, but often times become a distraction. As McDonald states, â€Å"The more a student participated in in-class texting behavior, the lower their final grade† (2013). This piece of evidence shows that cell phone use directly hurts the overall learning environment. The reader can interpret that a classroom that is cell phone based will have a harder time learning and getting the information. Cell phones distract the students from retaining the information. McDonald continues her argument by discussing the job of the teacher in this issue: â€Å"While a professor certainly cannot control for individual behavior such as daydreaming or doodling, this study presents the necessity of some type of effective texting policy† (2013). McDonald explains that the teacher cannot control a student that refuses to pay attention However, a teacher can prevent distractions such as technology from entering the classroom with policies and rules. Overall, the author expla ins the relevance of cell phone use and how much of a distraction it can actually be by giving a reliable research tool that shows how theShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Cell Phones In The Classroom1194 Words   |  5 Pagestechnology, even with the growing trend of cell phones being brought to school and used during class, our board of education must stick to the status quo, which is that cell phones should not be allowed in class. We need to disallow cell phones in class for three main reasons: they provide a temptation and distraction to students, studies have proven that cell phones correlate with lower test scores, and finally students can develop addictions to cell phones which can detrimentally affect the livesRead MoreThe Importance Of Cell Phone Bans In The Classroom773 Words   |  4 Pagesfrom using phones in the classroom or from bringing them to school. But we do know that bans like these are common-and for good reasons. It helps both students and teachers. Why, the n, are cellphone bans still controversial? All schools, cellphones should not belong in the classroom because it is the action that makes the students stay away from studying. This issue should be put to rest once and for all. Cellphones keep students from concentrating and cyberbullying-kids who use phone will increaseRead MoreThe Misuse Of Cell Phones In School?1312 Words   |  6 PagesCell Phones In School Do cell phones belong in school? Many think they can be a learning revolution while others think it is a learning deficit. In November 2017, the students of Deer Path Middle School were in the middle of LA class when suddenly a student’s phone blared disrupting the whole class. He was trying to play a mobile game in class. Many could not overcome the shock but the teacher took swift action and punished the student according to his crime. Misuse of Phones Phones. They are somethingRead MoreCell Phones And Their Possession At School Essay1593 Words   |  7 PagesCell phones in schools Researchers show in today’s society that there is a higher rate of students having cell phones at school than in prior years. There are many pros and cons to children having cell phones in their possession at school. According to Maya Cohen, a 2010 Pew Research Center found that 65 percent of cell owning teens bring their phones to school despite any bans that may be in place. It is up to the child to know the rules and regulations when carrying a phone at school, and it isRead MoreCell Phones in School: Nuisance or Learning Tool Essay673 Words   |  3 PagesCell phones over the past few years have become essential to teens. Attributable to this increase in cellphones teens bring them everywhere including school. Consequently though, students who bring them into school often use them without the teacher’s consent and get distracted. On the other hand, if teachers allowed the use of these devices, they could work as an aid. Although some believe that phones distract st udents in class, implementing them in the classroom could help learning, and may helpRead MoreRestricted Cell Phone Areas896 Words   |  4 PagesIn the article From Stone Age To Phone Age , author Barbara Ehrereich argues that all cell phones serve as a status symbol, thus presenting mankind s selfish attempt to showboat their level of importance. By publicly engaging in meaningless conversations individuals are able to obtain admirer s jealously; thus portraying that the on-lookers are lonely because of their absence of a cellular phone or lack of received calls. In fact since primal times it has been a tendency of humans to competeRead MoreTechnology in the American Classroom1154 Words   |  5 Pagesour homework, and even communication are all examples of how technology has evolved simple tasks. Even furthermore, technology has changed the way education has been taught and received in American classrooms. However, technology was not always so highly advanced in American school s. In fact, a classroom in the 1950’s had little to no technology; one would find blackboards, chalk, handouts, and quite possibly a film-strip projector. However, even the â€Å"advancement† of a film-strip projector requiredRead MoreMy First Phone At The Age Of 10865 Words   |  4 Pages I remember my first phone at the age of 10, it was a small Nokia that lit up different colors each time I received a call. I thought it was the best phone I ever had till this day because it was so different from the others despite that it was a pain trying to add on a ringtone from my favorite song because I had to use the voice recorder to record the songs on the radio and set them as my ringtone. I can tell you I was surrounded by technology every second during my youth. To computers, downloadingRead MoreThe Internet Is The Most Popular Medium For Data Sharing, And Communication1586 Words   |  7 Pagesthese same prospects in hopes of a more efficient/engaged classroom. To kee p up with changing times, classrooms (K-12, and higher education) are undergoing dramatic changes in structure, curriculum, and classroom setting. The post computer generation is being thrown into an experimental learning and social environment without understanding the possible contingencies. Not only are college students being exposed to internet inside classrooms, but use it even more frequently outside of class. It is relevantRead MoreThe Importance Of Cell Phones And Driving1053 Words   |  5 Pagesuse of cell phones that they are no more conscious of what is going on around them. â€Å"Studies found out that more than 90 percent of students admit to using their devices for non-class activities during class times.† During class hours, students are busy texting on their phones while the class is going on. This has led to lack of concentration towards students therefore leading to poor academic performance. Also, â€Å"Sexting†- the act of sending or receiving explicit pictures by cell phones is more

Thursday, December 12, 2019

MAC Addresses Wireless Network Monitored â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The MAC Addresses Wireless Network Monitored? Answer: Introduction The WPA2-PSK will be studied along with the WPA4-way handshake. The brute force password crack will be used to extract the passphrase. The wireless network traffic will be collected to find out the WEP key. For doing this action, some software and hardware tools are required. By using the SSID, the AP WEP configuration will be performed. AP is an access point. To connect wired LAN into wireless device, AP is used as a hub. It provides secure connection. The MAC addresses of wireless network will be monitored. For providing the gain address to the AP, MAC addresses will be predicted. MAC stands for Media Access Control. It is a unique identifier. It is used for making the communication at the data link layer. The Microsoft windows 2012 server will be installed. It will perform the authentication in active directory domain. The client and server configuration of will be done in windows 2012 server using some software and hardware. To carry out the MAC, address spoofing, WEP and WPA2 en cryption, implementation is carried out in Kali Linux. Kali Linux is chosen to carry out the process since it is easy for handling the encryption and recording, capturing and storing the traffic. Kali Linux is one of the Linux platform derived based on Debian. Kali Linux is used for penetration testing. Kali Linux has its host applications like back track, wire shark. Kali Linux can be easily installed via bootable CD OR DVD. Kali Linux is mostly used for carrying out forensic activities. Kali Linux has many tools. Some of the tools are wire shark, kismet, Maitego, Ettercap and many. Kali Linux is also used for Ethical hacking techniques. Lab 2-Worksheet WPA2-PSK stands for Wi-Fi protected Access 2 -pre shared key. It is also known as WPA2 personal. IT is one type of network security. It is designed instead of WEP. It is designed only for the home users. It does not need the enterprise authentication server. It is used for securing the network. Using TKIP with the network SSID, one could perform the passphrase. It is also used to create the similar encryption keys for each wireless client. The WEP also supported for passphrase. The encryption and authentication is components of WPA2.These two components are needed to secure the WLAN. The authentication component has two modes: personal and enterprise. Steps for cracking the WPA2-PSK passwords: Set the WIFI adapter in monitor mode. Capture traffic Focus one AP in one channel. Aire play. Capture the handshake. Objective To do the activity - Cracking WPA2-PSK, the below mentioned hardware and software tools are required. Software tool- Kali Linux virtual machine. Hardware tools 2-installed virtual machine in windows 7. 2-wireless adapters 1-access point. Configuration Initially the Access point (AP) is placed. SSID is 6EWSx for AP. The WPA2-PSK is configured with AP. Now one could note down the password (passphrase). With the help of WPA2-PSK passphrase, the wireless client pc is connected to the AP for configuration. Kali Linux adapter The kali Linux is connected with BT virtual machine. The VM removable device is attached with adapter. To find out the Mode of wireless adapter and MAC address in the Kali Linux, one could open the terminal. ifconfig-command is used for interfacing the name and HWaddr in adapters. iwconfig-command is used for interfacing name and Mode in wireless interfaces. Change the wireless adapter, from the managed mode to monitor mode. In the monitor mode, write down the name for adapter. Get the wireless information The 2nd terminal is opened to run the airodump with the help of "airodump-ng wlan0' command. It provides the information like which networks are present. Predict the wireless traffic Set the channel for monitor by opening the new terminal. Type "airodump-ng -c 6 -w psk --bssid (AP_MAC address) wlan0" to capturing the packets from the channel. For disconnecting the connected station, send the DE authentication to AP by using could use the airplay during the process of capturing. Then one could view the WPA4 way handshake. This is captured by airodump. How WPA-PSK passphrase is cracked The airodump is stopped. Now the air crack is used by the new terminal. This is Pre-shared key. Screenshots The below screen shows the adapter name in the Kali linux screen. BSSID PWR Beacons #Data #/s CH MB ENC CIPHER AUTH ESSID 00:11:95:9F:FD:F4 00:17:3F:65:2E:5A 37 18 102 35 2 0 0 0 6 11 54 54 WEP OPN WEP belkin54g BSSID STATION PWR RATE Lost Packets Probes 00:11:95:9F:FD:F4 00:13:02:30:FF:EC 72 0-54 0 2 2 Activity review questions Explain how to overcome the above problem? Need to use WPA2 security Would a manufacturer supplied complex password for the passphrase overcome this problem? Explain. No. This will be based on some well-known algorithms. Hence anyone can hack it List other settings that should be changed from default values. Channel, Mode, Channel width WPA/WPA2 version, encryption and password Wireless MAC Filtering, Firewall, VPN and ALG Conclusion The WPA2-PSK is studied along with the WPA4-way handshake. The brute force password crack is used to extract the passphrase. The wireless network traffic is collected to find out the WEP key. By using the SSID, the AP WEP configuration is performed. The MAC addresses of wireless network is monitored. For providing the gain address to the AP, MAC addresses is predicted. The Kali Linux is used for the process. References Ramachandran, V., Buchanan, C.Kali Linux wireless penetration testing. Wrightson, T. (2012).Wireless network security. New York: McGraw-Hill

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Activity Potential Impact On Intervention †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: What Is The Activity Potential Impact On Intervention? Answer: Introducation The selected segment is Sun seeker which is the segment four of a particular study conducted in order to strengthen the sun protection behaviours within UK. The Sun Smart programme was conducted by the Cancer Research, UK. As a part of the awareness programme due to the increasing rates of skin cancer due to the increasing levels of exposure to the sun, the survey was conducted by the business Research Unit of UK. The activity which is discussed related to the segment four of the research conducted is about sunbathing. It discusses about the people who engage in sunbathing activities. The people, who engage in the activity of sunbathing, reported the levels of getting burnt due to the direct exposure to the sun for more than two hours or more. The people who participated in these activities consisted of mostly those who were teen aged. The number of people who were middle aged and belonging to segment four were comparatively less. The activity of sunbathing was also closely connected to the activity of applying the sunscreen and feeling the need to apply sunscreen within a regular interval of two hours. Based on this activity and the results of the survey conducted among the people who participated in these activities, the possibilities of raising awareness were considered. The approach of behavioural segmentation comprises the basis of the adopted interventions to increase the awareness among the people. The activity of sunbathing directly impacts the campaign related to the prevention of skin cancer among the people (Dudley et al., 2015). The attitudinal, behavioural as well as the factors influencing the patterns of sunbathing behaviour shows how it impacts the sun burn causing probable skin cancer risks among the bathers. The intervention related to the awareness with the help of the Sun Smart programme is directly impacted by the management of the people participating in sun bathing, in short the activities of the sun seekers. In order to minimise the impact of the sun burns on the people as also to reduce the chances of skin cancer, several campaigns for cancer awareness need to be conducted. The exposure of the children to the sun needs to be mediated and controlled (Colditz, Wolin Gehlert, 2012). Recommendations include the screening for melanoma occurrence. This is relatively insufficient and is important for this cause. Early detection and treatment of skin cancer is also extremely important. Awareness programmes need to be conducted for the effective understanding of the concept of tanning and how it is related to the risks of skin cancer (Godic et al., 2014). Apart from this, people should be made aware of the UV risks related to the skin exposure to the sun (Hirst et al., 2012). Special importance should also be given to the climate changes and the way in which impacts the occurrence of skin cancer. In case all these factors are incorporated in the newer interventions adopted, the prevention of sk in cancer will be possible and the campaigns conducted will also be successful in their endeavours. References: Colditz, G. A., Wolin, K. Y., Gehlert, S. (2012). Applying what we know to accelerate cancer prevention. Science translational medicine, 4(127), 127rv4-127rv4. Dudley, D. A., Winslade, M. J., Wright, B. J., Cotton, W. G., McIver, J. L., Jackson, K. S. (2015). Rationale and study protocol to evaluate the SunSmart policy intervention: a cluster randomised controlled trial of a primary school-based health promotion program. BMC public health, 15(1), 42. Godic, A., Poljak, B., Adamic, M., Dahmane, R. (2014). The role of antioxidants in skin cancer prevention and treatment. Oxidative nursing and cellular longevity, 2014. Hirst, N. G., Gordon, L. G., Scuffham, P. A., Green, A. C. (2012). Lifetime cost-effectiveness of skin cancer prevention through promotion of daily sunscreen use. Value in Health, 15(2), 26

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Downfall Of Macbeth Essays (1712 words) - Characters In Macbeth

The Downfall Of Macbeth Throughout the centuries human beings have always had the need to achieve some things in life such as love, wealth, power or authority. The ambition of Macbeth was power. Macbeths' strive for power affects his life in a negative way and eventually leads to his downfall. Macbeth was a brave soldier of Scotland and was very loyal to King Duncan. As he returned from a battle with his friend Banquo three witches hailed him as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and in the end King of Scotland. They also told Banquo that his children would become Kings. This aroused Macbeth's curiosity of how he could become King. When he went to the palace and the King announced to him that he would become Thane of Cawdor because the previous Thane was a traitor. His ambition rised and he believed that some truth might be hidden in the weird sisters' words. Therefore, he wrote a letter to his wife Lady Macbeth telling her what had happened. When Lady Macbeth read the letter her intention was to talk Macbeth into killing Duncan. Therefore, she planed the murder. She invited the King to their house where she planned to have him killed. Macbeth had some hesitations but she manipulated him into doing it. The murder took place at nighttime and short after the murder Macbeth fel t empowered and thought that nothing could stop him. Duncan's sons Malcom and Donalbain fled the country and one went to England and the other to Ireland. Macbeth asked for the witches advice and they told him that no woman born man could kill him and that only when Birnam Wood came up to the castle would he lose his power. In order to maintain his power Macbeth hired three murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance but they only managed to kill Banquo whereas Fleance escaped. Macbeth also killed Macduffs wife and son because according to him Macduff was a traitor. In the meantime, Malcom and Macduff were gathering an army in order to overthrow Macbeth. After the witches words Macbeth felt invincible whereas Lady Macbeth died, probably of guilt. In the end of the play, the army disguised itself with branches from the Birnam wood and marched to the castle where Macduff, who was ripped from his mother's womb, killed Macbeth and Malcom became King. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is regarded as a good man and a brave soldier. When he comes back from the battle, the Captain described Macbeth's honor and bravery to King Duncan in Act I, scene 2. For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name-Disdaining fortune, with his brandish'd steel, Which smoked with bloody execution, Like valour's minion carved out his passage Till he faced the slave, Which ne'er shook hands nor bade farewell to him Till he unseamed him from the nave to th' chops, And fixed his head upon our battlements?(Act 1, scene 2, line16-23). This shows that people, including the King trusted Macbeth and considered him as a brave, just, and honest soldier who loved his country. However, his character changes throughout the play in a negative way. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth appears to be happy and content as Thane of Glamis until he hears the witches prophesies. His ambition is reinforced when he is made Thane of Cawdor and he starts considering murdering King Duncan. He immediately writes to his wife in order to consult her. When Lady Macbeth reads the letter, we can understand that she considers Macbeth as too kind and soft to murder the King. As she says: ? Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way.'(Act 1, Scene 5, line 13-15) This shows that in the beginning Macbeth was considered as to soft to commit this kind of crime. So, she talks him into her plan and they invite Duncan over for a banquet. Still, Macbeth has some reservations about the murder. As he says to his wife: ?He is here in double trust: First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed; then, as his host, Who should

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Work and the Sadness - Freewrite Store

The Work and the Sadness - Freewrite Store This is a guest post by  Lancelot Schaubert. Schaubert is the author of the forthcoming novelFaceless, and lives in Brooklyn with his wife and attack spaniel.The City of Joplin, Missouri commissioned him to write and direct a photonovel that fictionalized and enchanted the history of their town. He has sold articles to Writer's Digest (one forthcoming and one in the 2016 Poet's Market), the World Series Edition of Poker Pro, McSweeney's, Bernie Sanders' campaign site, and others. His fiction or poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in The Misty Review, Carnival, Encounter (who has purchased a dozen or more) and many others. He loves soup. Send him soup. You can learn more about him at orlet him directly send you his best work. ________________________________ Do you believe in writer's block? I don't. But perhaps not for the reason you think. The fantasy writer Patrick Rothfuss has said ten thousand times that plumbers don't get plumbers block. I like that, especially since my plumber was also my sensei for shoto jitsu the man was brilliant at both and invested time heavily in both, both black belt of the year and your local handy man. Ed Daniels. Ed Daniels never got â€Å"blocked.† Rothfuss elaborated on this during one of his Worldbuilders Twitch streams last fall. He believes what some people attribute to writer's block is clinical depression. You could say further that plumbers don’t get plumbers block unless, as a human, they’re clinically depressed. Let’s break that down. Writer's block, in my estimation, comes down to one of two things: laziness or depression. We'll talk about depression first. Rothfuss was right to bring up the number of writers who have committed suicide, passively or actively, in history. A deep sadness runs parallel to the writing gene because we spend so much time in our headspace. Some believe that depression is an evolutionary trait that helps us reevaluate our situation: we go into a quiet place to reassess, to come to a better understanding of our current predicament, and then move forward stronger and more agile. The monks? They might have called it silence and solitude the prayerful posture of one who uses meditation to remain present in â€Å"this, my Father's world.† Wherever you sit on that spectrum, you can't deny that spending so much time imagining other worlds can leave you drained of your happy-happy joy-joy juices. And you get stuck. You're stuck not because you're a writer. You're stuck because you're a human. My buddy T. A. Giltner who teaches religion at St. Louis University says to all of his freshman on the first day of class, â€Å"Raise your hand if you want to be a good doctor. A good lawyer. A good scientist.† They raise their hands. â€Å"Keep your hands up if you think this class is pointless as a means to that end.† They lower their hands. â€Å"This class is not about religion. It's about becoming a decent human being. You want to be doctors and lawyers and scientists but you don't want to be good human beings? Good luck with that.† The phrase â€Å"good doctor† has the assumption of a â€Å"good human† built in. Writers too. Without a healthy, patient, joyful, kind humanity there ain't a one of us who's going to become a good writer. Let alone a great one. And that includes this awful disease that hit even me as a high school student and sometimes hits me even now: depression. To tackle this form of writer's block, you must do what all humans do. You must become whole by seeking help. I have a counselor who has helped me dig my way out of the hellhole that was my 2015 and my writing has improved. But again, that’s not specific to writers. As for laziness, I'm convinced that those who minimize their own depression by glorifying it with labels like â€Å"writer's block† make it easier for sluggards to scoot along. I know, I was one. I was a lazy teenager who had little reason to be lazy, considering the poverty of some of my early years. For one reason or another, perhaps because they follow the exact opposite trajectory of those professional football careers that blossom early and fade as fast, the careers of writers take a long time to marinate, cure, and hibernate. Coupled with wealth and privilege whether you're a trust fund kid or simply whiter than your neighbor writers have invented the most absurd methods of procrastination on the market all the way down to writing about not writing about not writing on social media. And then they hijack this term that has been used to minimize the clinical depression found in the pros or the greats and they say, â€Å"I have writers block.† Are you depressed? If that's the case, seek help and support, but it has nothing to do with being a writer.   If you're not depressed, then you're lazy. I am convinced that most writers need spend their time learning how to write at first. I'm convinced most writers must begin by learning how to work their asses off to survive and then thrive. That probably means some low-wage job or finding a way of generating passive income yourself rather than inheriting it or shoving it off to some future generation through debt. It might mean finding simple joy in trimming the verge or taking out the trash. If this is you, you don't have writer's block, sorry. You have an aversion to hard work. And only through learning how to work, how to enjoy your work, how to thrive even in an environment that's cursed and stacked against you, will you be able to write well. Stephen King has a high output precisely because he worked his ass off in a laundromat, as a teacher, and as a chimney sweep and then applied those skills to writing. Once you’ve learned to work, then apply that work to your study and practice. Then you read the "On Writings" and the "Elements of Style" of the world. Then you literally re-write your drafts over from scratch. Then you tap into the thing you've always wanted to do and bring it to bear upon the Earth. But let's not call it block anymore. If you're depressed, seek help. And if you're lazy, shut up and get to work. I should mention that I wrote the first draft of this on a Freewrite I'm testing it today because I've followed this team from the day they started taking contributions. I've been known to jack out of the matrix more than my peers and head to upstate New York or to Northwest Arkansas to duck into some hobbit hole and type away on my Smith Corona or scribble on whatever scraps I find. Perhaps the Freewrite will help me with that.   But the typing itself? Hell it took thirty minutes hunched over this metal coffee table in the lobby of their offices here in the Flatiron district. My back hurts, I have a headache, and I'll have to revise this before they post it. And yet somehow it wasn’t as bad this time around because for once I wasn’t focused on the machine, the sound, the internet, or the reloading of paper and ribbon. Me and the words, baby, me and the words. Was it worth it? The sky was grey when I began, but the sun's reflecting off of the windows of this high rise next door. And I've taken pleasure in my work. I am not worried about future awards. I have no delusions of grandeur in this moment. In my mind right now, there hides no phantom of any high school sweetheart or bully or hardass teacher I must now impress. There is only the work and the pleasure I take in it.   Lancelot took pleasure not in winning tournaments. Not in the wreath or the prize. It was the virtue he sought, virtue as an end in itself. He took pleasure in drawing back the bow and shooting the arrow, in dehorsing other knights, and in running the gauntlet faster and with fewer bruises than the time before. The discipline itself brings the joy.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comparison of Violent Extent of Religious Terrorism to Secular Essay

Comparison of Violent Extent of Religious Terrorism to Secular Terrorism - Essay Example Nevertheless, religious terrorist attacks are known to be fatal and lethal compared to secular attacks. Religious terrorist motivated by religion, to commit terrorist attacks with a conviction that they are right; for instance, Muslims commit crimes with the claim that they are involved in a holy war (jihad). The secular terrorists are aware that they are committing a crime; therefore, they ensure their attacks are less lethal and fatal (Al-Khattar, 2011, 22). Terrorism is a kind of violence applied in peace, conflict and war. The groups use threats before carrying out unexpected attacks. The American Christians white supremacists threatened the government of America claiming that the people running the government were not Christians. As a result, they bombed Alfred P. Murrah federal office building in Oklahoma City in April 1995 to make their point clear (Hoffman, 2006, 107). Terrorist attacks have specific goals and motives the attacks do not happen randomly. For instance, the al Q aeda group led by Osama bin laden carried out the 9/11 attack to ensure the American government withdraw its military base from Saudi Arabia. Their goal was to ensure the Americans were not in control of any Arabic country (Dyson, 2010, 5). Religion known to be the centre of human beings, people controlled and guided by religious beliefs. Therefore, when terror groups created based on religion the group is likely to have many committed followers (Fine, 2008, 59). In addition, when undertaking terror attacks the group ensures the attacks are fatal because they believe the people attacked are wrong and should be punished for their wrong doings. Secular terrorist attacks; on the other hand, undertaken to manipulate a government or a group of people to adhere to their demands (Hoffman, 2006, 7). Islamic religion well known for conducting a number of terrorist attacks, the well-known al Qaeda group religiously controlled. Its followers commit crimes with a view that they are fighting for their Islamic rights. For instance, the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York was fatal, many people lost their lives and others left injured (Jonathan, 2010, 369). In addition, property of invaluable value also destroyed. The attack was fatal because it was religiously controlled. Religious terrorism are known to be fatal, because of the reasoning behind the attack. Religious terrorist believe that the attack is holy and religiously protected (Juergen, 2010, 34). In addition, religious terrorist believe that violence is a sacred act undertaken in direct, to fulfill religious needs or better still they believe the attack justified by the scripture. Religion functions as a legal force, which triggers a massive criminal activity against people who are not strong believers of religion (Sugirharah, 2011, 75). Religious terrorist attacks believe their work is a vocational calling, and they normally take responsibility of their actions publicly. They use terrorism to fulfill their political and social demands (Okoro, 2010, 554). In addition, religious terrorist also act anonymously, and they act to fulfill their own needs. Their attacks escalate violence and harm to the public. Islamic religion known to accommodate a number of terror groups, nonetheless, religious terrorist involve other religions too. For instance, the 1995 nerve gas attack in Tokyo subway system led by apocalyptic Japanese religious cult that took the lives of many people. After the attack, the group also promised

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

On Dreams by Aristotle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

On Dreams by Aristotle - Essay Example Among other phenomena of life, Aristotle interpreted dreams too. Early Greek impression of dreams was that they are from God and are seen during sleep to provide guidance from divine spirits. Aristotle, on the contrary, studied dreams in a more rational way, by saying that dreams are not from God as animals can have dreams too; rather they are the reflections of our daily life activities. He said that we can interpret dreams analogous to the reflections seen in water. According to him, all of the external effects are nullified when we are asleep, but our internal keeps open its eyes and remain aware of our general activities and thoughts, which then we see as a dream. Dreams are mostly consists of fantasies is due to the fact that our common sense does not work while we are asleep, thus we cannot distinguish between a reality and a fantasy in our dreams. He correctly recognized that what we see or hear in our dreams is quite different than what we actually perceive and think. Apart f rom internal awareness, dreams can also be a mixture of events we experience while awakening, thus we dream these events as we want the things to happen in actual. He interpreted this by using the term â€Å"lucid dreaming†, which means to have a clear view in dreams and he explained that due to our unconscious who remains asleep, we can see dreams clearly, but these dreams can be termed as an after-image of everything we go through in day time (On Dreams By Aristotle. 2011, Bixler. Thomas. 1998). Aristotle also claimed that not everybody dreams during sleep, the very likely case is of children who may never dream. He also said that we have dreams during sleep because we are in a sense gets cut-off with the rest of happenings around us. In this process, our sensory organs also respond less than the time when we are awake. These organs develop the after images of objects which remained in-touch with any of the sensory organ in day’s activity. These after images then com bine with our imagination and create dreams. When we are asleep and dreaming, we are thinking as this is the actual reality because according to Aristotle, all logics of real world like reason or judgment do not exist. But sometimes it happens too that dream become an illusion. It happens when we become able to differentiate between the reality and our dream and recognize dream as a dream itself. In addition to this, he also claimed that dreams reflect the condition of health of a person and can be used as a source to determine and cure illness, if any. Many doctors and physicians who followed him proved this by treating their patients in the light of this theory (Aristotle, Gallop. 1996). By reading all these views of Aristotle, I personally agree with him. Most of the times I myself dreamt of such things which I want to happen or occur, and these things keep residing in my thoughts until either I achieve the goal or it does not come up with me. Aristotle’s overall interpret ation is exactly according to human psychology, dreams are not from divine forces, they are there to make us certain about our wanting and needs, and they definitely reflect all activities which happen during whole day. I myself have almost the same views regarding dreams, but the article made me clearer and provided me more knowledge in interpreting my own dreams. Dreams are natural to occur, most of us have dreams in sleep, it is not at all

Monday, November 18, 2019

Writing Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Writing Assignment 2 - Essay Example The airline industry, post-deregulation in the late 70s, is free to set prices, which are now determined by the market forces. Airline tickets have never been cheaper, thanks to increased price transparency through the internet. Air travel is easily available to the general public as its demand for affordable prices has been met by carriers, who have unique cost structures in place for scale economies. For price setting, airlines are able to predict (through trend analysis) which time of year most people would prefer to fly. With demand high, the price is also set high. When a particular airline observes that ticket sales are slower, it will cut down on the ticket price. These changing prices obviously frustrate consumers and have prompted the government to establish some sort of consumer protection. According to the author, the government is requiring airlines to include all ‘potential’ fees, along with the actual ticket price, on every advert. The customer has to be ap prised accurately of the baggage fees. Air carriers must now also include all government taxes in the advertised price. The government has also imposed huge penalties on carriers for extended tarmac delays.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Greeces Policies to Improve Employment Rates

Greeces Policies to Improve Employment Rates Introduction In the attached article in the references, it is shown that Greece has succumbed to a low employment rate since the financial crisis that has affected them in 2007. It is reported that Greece has reached an all-time high unemployment rate of 28% in November 2013 and has not been improving as of late till the point in which the article was written in February 2014. The article also states the contrast of Greece’s unemployment rate to the average rate of unemployment in the euro-zone, which is more than double in percentile. In this assignment, I will be discussing the unemployment issues that currently impact Greece. Economic Concepts Identified Factors affecting unemployment in Greece will be discussed. The precise economic definition of unemployment consists of unemployment falling into one or more of these factors, without work even after actively searching for a job for four weeks, waiting to be called back to a job in which he or she has been laid off, or waiting to start a new job within 30 days. Firstly, we will look at the GDP rates of Greece. By identifying the historical and current GDP rates of Greece, we would be able to identify an inflationary (GDP increases) or a recessionary (GDP decreases over two quarters) economy. Using this information, it will explain certain levels of unemployment in Greece depending if it’s a recessionary or inflationary economy. Recessionary economy generally has a higher unemployment rate due to less resources being used, and inflationary would be vice-versa. Secondly, a few different unemployment rates will be used to provide further statistical analysis of unemployment in Greece. There are three rates that will be used the unemployment rate in general (percentage of labour force that is unemployed) , the long-term unemployment rate (unemployed people who have been unemployed more than 27 weeks), and the youth unemployment rate (unemployed people who are between 16-25 years old). Thirdly, the different types of unemployment will be explained and their subsequent effects on Greece. There are generally three types of unemployment, frictional, structural, and cyclical. Frictional unemployment stems upon the normal labour market turnover. Structural unemployment is unemployment due to changes in technology and the increase in foreign competitors which may affect the skills required and/or a change in location. Cyclical unemployment is unemployment that occurs during a recession. Lastly, we will be looking at the policies implemented by the government of Greece to curb this problem of unemployment. Application of Economic Concepts What Does GDP Indicate in Greeces Economy? Based on the graph attached above, Greece can be seen to have been going through a severe period of recession stemming from the global financial crisis in 2009. This also indicates that Greece is dipping towards the trough of their business cycle. In a recession, there is a slowdown in production output of the country. This is because the output per worker or productivity falls steadily causing an increase in production cost per product. This will in turn induce a dip in profits of firms which will inevitably reduce their labour force to compensate with their reduced output. This has caused a severe increase in unemployment rate from the crisis. Such unemployment caused by the recession is broadly labelled as cyclical unemployment. However, structural employment will also be affected as there will be businesses shifting out of Greece as it is not profitable to retain their business there, causing loss in job opportunity and employment. What does unemployment rates indicate in the Greece Economy? We will zoom in directly to the three rates of unemployment, unemployment rate of Greece currently (26.4%), long term unemployment rate (19.9%), and youth unemployment rate (51.5%). These various unemployment rates can be perceived to being cyclical in nature due to the recession. These rates are abnormally high due to the long recession and the fact that Greece has incurred a vast amount of debts and even required bailouts by the euro-zone. This is also an indication that the Greek economy is uncompetitive. Rising wages have not been matched by rising productivity. The lack of competitiveness has led to a fall in demand for Greek goods and a very large current account deficit (imports greater than exports) which has in turned caused many firms to close, reducing job vacancies and further increasing unemployment rate of the country. Youth unemployment and long term unemployment rates have remained constant due to the fact that the Greek economy has no vacancy for fresh or previously laid-off workers due to the low tolerance of low productivity (hiring these people imposes a great amount of risk. Policies the Greek government has undertaken to reduce unemployment While the origins of the significant recent rise in long-term unemployment are predominantly cyclical in nature, targeted policies to assist the long-term unemployed are likely to be necessary even once jobs recovery is underway. In the first place however, labour market and social policies have a key role to play in preventing the risk that the sharp jump in unemployment becomes persistent by promoting a quick reintegration of jobseekers into employment and enhancing their skills to enable them to move into more productive jobs when the recovery gathers speed (OECD, 2009). Unemployment benefits are available in Greece, but they are generally conditional upon insurance contributions. In terms of international comparison, benefits are low and take-up is limited (Karantinos, 2011). The main unemployment benefits provide income replacement at a flat rate of EUR 360 (slightly less than half of the current level of the minimum wage) for up to a maximum of 12 months of unemployment. Unemployment benefits are only available to those who have made unemployment insurance contributions and to those aged 45-65 under very strict conditions. Those who have never been in work (examples are unemployed young people without work experience) fall outside the system. Greece has stepped up efforts to assist the unemployed since the start of the recession. According to the latest Greek National Reform Programme (2014), the focus of employment policy is on a more efficient use of resources and reallocation of resources, in order to both improve labour market outcomes, and in particular youth labour market outcomes, and to enhance the economic sectors with growth prospects. The main rationale behind the policies currently being implemented by the public employment service (PES) is the boosting of job creation and job retention mainly through the reduction of non-wage cost. For this purpose, the PES has launched a series of policies. These policies have the double benefit that they encourage the access of unemployed persons to the labour market and discourage undeclared work. There is also a package of measures that is intended to facilitate the access of young people and newcomers to the labour market. These include: (a) a work experience programme in the private sector (b) a programme subsidising enterprises for the recruitment of young graduates up to the age of 35 years, (c) counselling and career orientation services, aiming at enhancing employment prospects, (d) programmes to enhance youth entrepreneurship, and (e) vocational and educational training programmes in priority areas of economic activity (construction, tourism, new technologies, etc.). Conclusion Basically in response to the newspaper article and current macroeconomic research, it shows that despite Greece’s policies to improve the unemployment rates, it has not improved much since the global financial crisis. In conclusion, the Greek economy faces two major challenges. The first is the need for strong economic recovery to increase job opportunities, and create constant job expansion mainly to facilitate the youth unemployment. The second is the need for policies to address labour market problems to increase the efficiency in matching of job seekers to new job openings and to assist in the labour market adjustment of the long-term unemployed, so as to prevent the high increase in unemployment from becoming structural. References BBC News,. (2014).  Greece jobless rate hits new record. Retrieved 13 October 2014, from Greek National Reforms Programme 2014. (2014). Retrieved 13 October 2014, from Karantinos, D. (2011). Adapting unemployment benefit systems to the economic cycle, 2011.European Employment Observatory Review. OECD employment outlook 2009: Tackling the jobs crisis. (2009). Paris, France: Organization for Economic Cooperation Development. Stevis, M. (2014).  Greeces Older Men May Never Work Again.WSJ. Retrieved 13 October 2014, from,. (2014).  Greece Unemployment Rate | 1998-2014 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast. Retrieved 13 October 2014, from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Patricia MacLachlans Life Reflected in Sarah, Plain, and Tall :: Biography Biographies Essays

Patricia MacLachlan's Life Reflected in Sarah, Plain, and Tall Beyond MacLachlan's basic interest in creating a good children's novel in Sarah, Plain, and Tall, she also has a very personal investment in connecting her story and its characters with the many facets of her personal experiences: family, her beliefs, and her biography. It seems odd that an only child, from an intact family, would have the insight to write so detailed about the feelings of loss and a blended family. When asked â€Å"Do you think a family means a mother, and a father, and a child? Surprisingly, MacLachlan replied, â€Å"No, I don’t think that. And I never had.† MacLachlan went through a time when her own mother had Alzheimer’s disease and was losing her memory. MacLachlan stated, â€Å"In a sense, she was leaving me, though not because she wanted to. (Author Information; Her characters Anna and Caleb feel that same sense of loss as they remember their mother and learn to accept Sarah. MacLachlan felt there were extended people who became your â€Å"kind of; parents. For a lot of children she was their mother/grandmother surrogate. We (MacLachlan’s family) are very strongly connected, my children, myself and even my nieces and nephews. What I am most concerned about is who we are as family and how we effect each other. I didn’t have brothers or sisters, and this may be where it came from†. (â€Å"Author Information† It is now easier to see how Anna and Caleb are so willing to take Sarah into their own family. The characters in the book don’t cling to who was a part of their original family, but instead like MacLachlan, focus on how each character effects each other. MacLachlan also wrote a series of journal articles on adoption and foster mothers which had a major impact on her life. It was clear to me that much of the focus of my writing was sharpened by my involvement and concern for families and children. This was partially the basis for her decision to write for children. She spends a lot of time listening to people talk and begins stories in her head.(Author Information It is clear to see that her inspiration came from many sources. What started out as a career in a seemingly separate field, overflowed into what is unique and central to the themes of her writings today. To understand the setting of the book Sarah,

Sunday, November 10, 2019

History of Leadership Theory Essay

The history of leadership theory can assist managers in understanding where the schools of leadership thought have been, and where leadership will be going. The key objective of this paper is to critically compare and contrast the historical leadership model and theories across history. Across the history of leadership, there are similar and divergent strategies that have matched the influence of the market and people operating within the market (or industry). The essay examines the roles and strategy of historical leadership models as they converge or diverge with one another. Roles are the expectations of leadership behaviour; this is the ideals in which the organization and employees hold to be important in a leader. Strategy can be defined, for the purposes of this paper, as the manner in which the leader assesses and organizes the tasks and requirements of the tasks and behaviours throughout the interactions and roles of the leader or manager. Theories of Leadership The following section explores the historical theories and implications of leadership as pre-classical, classical, modern and post-modern leadership models. Pre-Classical The most prominent pre-classical models of leadership were in the early Greek history, where early scholars set the value-based ideals for centuries of leadership and management (Martinze and Bitici p 7 2006). Socrates established that â€Å"[the] management of private concerns differs from that of public concerns only inmagnitude †¦ neither can be carried on without men †¦ and those who understand how to employ [others] are successful directors of private and public concerns, and those who do not understand, will err in the management of both† (Wren p 18 2006). This shows the early role of management was to understand the functional variances and magnitude of public concern, thus business was also a political landscape. In later Greek history, Aristotle added to the strategy spectrum of the manager as relating to the specialization of labor, functional roles of departments, choices between centralization and decentralization, the whole of the organization is superior to the part; and, â€Å"On leadership: ‘He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander’† (Wren p 18-192006). Thus the roles of pre-classical era management are relative to the ability to navigate through a highly political economy and direct the organization to answering public and private concerns (Martinze and Bitici p 7 2006). The strategy of the pre-classical era was to recognize the steps involved in the entire scope of the organization based on functionality. This was an effective method of management in the pre-classical era, and can be considered in line with the ideal service industries of the time, such as bath houses, shoe and boot makers, weapons makers, and others. Classical  Adam Smith showed that the leadership strategy â€Å"treated the return or the surplus created as a return to capital† (Wren p 42 2006). After Smith, Jean Baptiste Say (1767–1832) stated that leadership strategy requires knowledge and judgement in â€Å"†¦ the probable amount of the demand, and the means of its production: at one time he must employ a great number of hands; at another, buy or order the raw material, collect laborers, find consumers, and give at all times a rigid attention to order and economy; in a word, he must possess the art of superintendence and administration† (Wren p 42-43 2006). Thus the leadership role in the classical era is defined as one that is highly dependent on the decision making process, and that the strategy incorporates demand, production, and consumption through the entire market-industry domain. During this era, human history was entering the industrial phase, where industry was overpopulating the market rather than the traditional farmer markets (Martinze and Bitici p 7 2006). The classical model recognized the effectiveness of a leader as one who must focus on value-based decision makings when information is not whole, when the industry and foundation of the economy is changing, and be able to administrate in a changing economy (Martinze and Bitici p 7 2006) Modern Modern era leadership evolved through the industrial phase, prompted by technology and the early globalizing aspect of the value chain that existed during the post-WW2 era (Martinez and Bitici p 7 2006). The role formulation of leadership in the modern era can be attributed to Jennings (196) who showed the modern era of management should encompass the situation, behaviour, and incorporate situation-based theory models. Jenning’s leader was emphatically described as a hero who â€Å"acts as though possessed by a destiny that requires his being the center of attention, and having arrived there, he never willingly retires from the center until he feels no longer needed† where the strategy â€Å"requires great stamina, self-reliance, and confidence† (Jennings p 96, 122, 1960). Max Weber initialized the modern strategy of leadership as being: †¢ A continuous organisation or functions bounded by rules (Enock p 6 2002) †¢ That individuals functioned within the limits of the specialisation of the work (Enock p 6 2002) †¢ The degree of authority allocated and the rules governing the exercise of Authority (Enock p 6 2002) †¢ A hierarchical structure of offices appointment to offices made on the grounds of technical competence only (Enock p 6 2002) †¢ The separation of officials from the ownership of the organisation (Enock p 6 2002) The authority was vested in the official positions and not in the personalities that held these posts (Enock p 6 2002) †¢ Rules, decisions and actions were formulated and recorded in writing (Enock p 6 2002) The modern era leader’s role was to serve the organization, and the strategy employed was hierarchical, top-down management. This was adequate for its time, however, the bureaucratic model of organizational leadership did little to promote a value and knowledge based leadership era seen in other theories. Post Modern The post-modern era of leadership is the current theories in place. Entrepreneurial leadership is a formal process that incorporates informal ideas. The leadership qualities are often determined by a number of forces, such as â€Å"The size of the organization, its predominant management styles, the complexity of its environment, its production process, its problems, and the purpose of its planning system all play a part in determining the appropriate degree of formality† (Pearce and Robinson p 13 2004). The effective post-modern leadership strategy focuses on four key points, as outlined by Kouzes and Posner (2002): seize the initiative; make challenges meaningful; innovate and create; look outward for fresh ideas. A post-modern leader values entrepreneur ideals and seizes the initiative through enthusiasm, determination and desire (Kouzes and Posner p 170 2002). The leader wants to exhibit innovation by seeking new ways and new opportunities through invention and motivation. The concept of innovation requires that the leader be ready to focus on opportunities for ways to do what has never been done (Kouzes and Posner p 175 2002). Conclusion The pre-classical era focused on the implementation of public and private beuaracracy into the leadership domain, where the ideals of the ‘whole’ and the ability to command were held in the higher regard as traditional utility. The value of the leader was therefore based on the ability to command and conquer. In later classical theories, the value of leadership changed to incorporate decision-making strategy and value distribution over commanding, but the similarity to pre-classical is the ability to conquer through administration. The modern eras changed the role of a leader from the earlier theories by incorporating behaviour theory over command and conquer ideals. Weber’s leadership model parallels Aristotle’s, in that individual specialization and decision based decentralization better served the organization. The post-modern era of leadership incorporates elements from all the historical theories of leadership, but marks the importance of continuous improvement and constant appraisal, communication, and informalities.

Friday, November 8, 2019

or Nifty Words

A Dozen More Bodacious, Dandy and/or Nifty Words A Dozen More Bodacious, Dandy and/or Nifty Words A Dozen More Bodacious, Dandy and/or Nifty Words By Michael The English language has countless ways to say Great! or Cool! When people want to sound au courant, fashionable, trendy, or with-it, they often choose slang words that are currently popular in their culture very informal, unconventional words that may not be found in standard dictionaries, but have a freshness and color that may not be found in standard English. Especially among young people, these words are valued because theyre used by their peers and those they admire. Popular words become unpopular when used by older people or by those they dont admire, including advertisers who use youth slang to make their products seem contemporary. Once youth slang gets overused in advertising, its on its way out. After all, the point of status slang is that only the cool people use it. Because they arent standard English, slang or cant words may not even be widely understood. They may be common only in a particular occupation or social group. In the case of underworld slang, the user hopes that only certain people (their fellow criminals) understand it, while certain other people (the police) dont. Slang, especially American youth slang, often has certain features: Extravagant words become ironic. Instead of describing a subject of fantasy and wonder, Oh fantastic can merely express disappointment. Irony is cool. Strong words become trivialized. Anything can be epic even if you wouldnt write an epic about it. Powerful words become overused. Everything is awesome. Extreme is cool. A century ago, that was less true. Back then, a young British subject might mildly express his agreement by saying, Oh, rather, or Yes, quite. Today he might say, Totally! or Absolutely! Abbreviation is cool. As if you cant be bothered to make the effort to pronounce the whole word. As I said to Princess Di I called her Di we were quite close When you say, Oh, totes fab instead of That is totally fabulous, you are hedging your bets by leaving yourself open to an interpretation of either enthusiasm or irony. But if you are ever asked by your supervisor, Have you finished the top-secret assignment on which your nation depends? an answer of more than one syllable would be appropriate. Saved the world yet? Totes. To add a different generational perspective, this article was written in collaboration with a 12 year old white Midwestern boy. His evaluations of these words are italicized in parentheses. And a visiting college professor in her 60s had a few comments about his comments. bodacious You would think this word was a combination of bold and audacious. Or it may be an example of onomatopoeia, where the sound influences the meaning. Even if you dont know its dictionary meaning, it sounds bold. Medieval linguist Dr Kate Wiles cites the Cornish dialect word bowldacious, meaning brazen or impudent. At least by 1837, the Midlands English dialect adverb bodyaciously meant completely, bodily, as a body; that is, wholly. Francis Liebers Americanisms (ca. 1850) says that in South Carolina, a farmer might say, The pigs broke into my fence and destroyed the potato patch bodyaciously. Fueled by its use in films such as An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) and Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure (1989), GenXers adopted it afresh in the 1980s. But the word had been popularized more widely after 1934 through the southern Appalachian comic strip character Snuffy Smith whose 1963 cartoon theme song began with the line, Great balls o fire, Im bodacious! (Never heard it in my l ife.) capital A dated, particularly British, positive exclamation. From the Latin for head when you come up with a capital idea, youre at the head of your class its a top-quality idea. if you committed a capital offense, you could lose your head. Often confused with capitol, which is a building where a legislature meets. (I heard it once on a action adventure, time-travel TV show with a British character.) Sir, Ive finished typing your list of known Russian agents in Algiers. Capital. Thank you. chill Saying Shes chill is similar to saying Shes cool. Since 1979, the verb has been used as an exhortation to relax: Stop worrying, just chill! By 1985, it was used to mean hang out, spending time with a person or in a place. Personally, it makes me imagine a walk-in refrigerator certainly cool but not a relaxing place to hang out. The words usage in the phrase chilling effects, as in discouraging, dates to the late 14th century. (At school, we usually say Chill out, dude when somebody is getting mad.) copacetic Extremely satisfied. Though popular among hippies in the 1960s, it was used among African-Americans as far back as 1919. Tap danger and actor Bill Bojangles Robinson (1877-1949) is responsible for popularizing the word and claimed he had invented it. If he didnt, etymologists have suggested other origins any of these sound convincing? Hebrew: kol be sedher Creole: coupà ¨stique Italian: cappo sotto Chinook: copacete (Unless I was pretending to be a smart person, I wouldnt use it.) Our friendly professor adds, Even some smart people wouldnt use it unless they wanted to sound smart. dandy Good-looking, fashionable. First used before 1800, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary says it was probably short for jack-a-dandy. By the later 1800s, a dandy was a man who cared too much about his looks, always wanted to be seen in the latest fashions, and perhaps wasnt known for anything else. Like other outdated words, it is often used sarcastically. Though if someone asks you how you are doing, you can say, Fine and dandy without sounding facetious. (I like the way an older friend says, Isnt that dandy? You got a bike for your 13th birthday.) def Definitely excellent. Originated in the African American community around 1979. Perhaps short for definitely Ill def b there tonight or from the Jamaican pronunciation of death. True, like many popular slang words, that would be extreme and exaggerated. It could have the sense of so trendy it kills me. (I have never heard that word in my life.) dope A Millennial way of saying cool or excellent. Originally used in this sense by African-Americans, this word could easily become another thing white people ruined, if it hasnt already. The noun dope comes from the Dutch word for sauce and dip. It is slang for drugs, or a stupid person, or maybe a stupid person on drugs. It also refers to the absorbent material used to turn nitroglycerin into dynamite (see below), or a thick liquid or varnish coating for hot air balloons or wing fabric. (Usually something wed say about a piece of new technology, like a bicycle that shoots smoke out of the back.) No, Ive never heard that, says our professor friend. dynamite This explosive was invented in 1867 by Alfred Nobel, but by 1922, the word could be used for anything dangerous: Stay away from that man. Hes dynamite. By the mid-1960s, perhaps through African-American vernacular, this word had become positive, meaning great or excellent, like dynamic, which comes more directly from the Greek for power. The actor Jimmie Walker was famous for saying Dy-no-mite! on the situation comedy Good Times, which ran from 1974 to 1979.(I would never use it, but Ive heard it once or twice at a bingo game.) fab, fabulous From Latin fabulosus celebrated in fable and abbreviated to fab marvelous, terrific by 1957. By the early 1400s, it meant mythical, legendary, as in El Dorado, the fabled City of Gold. By 1600, it meant incredible from the French word for unbelievable. So in the 17th century, did fabulous mean How wonderful or Youre lying? At any rate, it came to mean enormous, immense, amazing. In 1963, the Beatles were called the Fab Four. (I dont use that unless Im telling someone theyre cute or beautiful.) hunky-dory Used lightly, not necessarily ironically, but not seriously. Rarely used in a leaders speech to the nation in troubled times. First appeared in print in America in 1866, and popularized by a Christy Minstrel song from which I will not quote. The word may have Dutch origins via New York City, originally a Dutch colony, perhaps from hunkey meaning okay (1861), which has roots in the Middle Dutch word honc: hiding place. The word survives in the practice of hunkering, which was the center of a 1959 fad, and later hunker down (1965), something meteorologists encourage their listeners to do during a snowstorm. An 19th century childrens Bible song about Noah and his ark says, This is the end of my story, everything is hunky dory. (It sounds like something a hipster mammal would say in Finding Dory.) Our professor friend says this word belongs to her moms generation. nifty This dated word has the meaning of spiffy, fashionable or clever: You found a nifty solution to that problem. It was first used in the 1860s, such as in an 1865 poem by American Western writer Bret Harte, The Tale of a Pony, describing a fancy horse-drawn carriage: Smart! You bet your life twas that! Nifty! (short for magnificat). More likely, nifty was short for magnificent, but that wouldnt rhyme. (What adults say when they have to talk to you when they really want to talk to your parents) rad short for radical, used and valued by teens in the late 1970s for its sense of extremity. That shirt is so rad! Out of fashion in many places, but in 2012 it had been revived among Brooklyn hipsters. In 2015, it was reported that, Rad is very alive amongst the 18-35 year olds in Northern California. Another commentator said you have to earn the right to use this word only hard core skaters and skateboarders allowed. For a more thorough explanation of radical, refer to my colleague Maeve Maddox. (Sometimes used by skaters.) All of these words have been cool sometime in the last hundred years. Learning them will help you understand the writings of other people who have used them. But should you use them yourself? That depends. Each word is naturally colorful, though overuse may have faded some of them. You can use this list to add color to your writing, even if you only use these words with tongue in cheek. But dont rely on this list to sound cool. Slang constantly changes in popularity according to region and time. In the 2010s, an expression that was cool in the 1940s may be uncool or unknown in one city, but wildly popular in another. We make no guarantees unless youre a 12 year old Midwestern boy at a certain middle school in 2019. Then if you follow our advice, your coolness is guaranteed. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Mostly Small But Expressive InterjectionsBest Websites to Learn EnglishComma After Introductory Phrases

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Jews essays

Jews essays Since the beginning of Christ, Jews have been fated from the mainstream of society. They have often been outcaste and therefore marginalised. Germanys defeat in World War 1 and a worldwide depression in the 1930s left the German economy in ruins and made many Germans angry and resentful. Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party, came to power in 1933. In the beginning, when Hitler took power, a steady series of laws eliminated all rights of German Jews until ultimately they were even deprived of the right to live. They seized Jewish businesses and destroyed synagogues. Many German Jews managed to flee Germany, many more were less fortunate and were trapped because no country would admit them and they had no means of self defence. Most nations had restrictive immigration policies and the depression led workers to fear that Jewish refugees would take their jobs. At the beginning of 1937, the United Kingdom bowed to Arab pressure and limited immigration to Palestine. Anyone with three or four Jewish grandparents was automatically a Jew, regardless of whether that individual was a member of the Jewish community. Half-Jews were considered Jewish only if they themselves belonged to the Jewish religion or were married to a Jewish person. The proclaimed objective of the Nazi regime was Jewish emigration. The hostility towards Jews in Germany increased. This was reflected in the decision by many shops Germans were also encouraged not to use Jewish doctors On the night of the 9th and 10th of November 1938, following the assassination of a German diplomat in Paris by a young Jew, all synagogues in Germany were set on fire, windows of Jewish shops were smashed, and thousands of Jews were arrested. In almost all large German cities & some smaller ones, over 7,500 Jewish shops were destroyed a...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Law - Essay Example This is the tort of omission of a lawful act or failure to perform a legal duty without malicious intent, which causes damage. It is failure to do something that you were legally supposed to do without the intention of harming. Nells act of sleeping was not ill intentioned since she had started doing so only when cafe was not busy. She failed to be in the cafe available to serve any customers who came in. As a result, customers could be coming in and leave when they fail to be served making the business lose sales. Incase Nell took the case to a court of law then the cafe owner would have to prove that this act actually caused harm to the business and to him too (Emerson 2009). The cafe owner may also urge on the grounds that the act was a dereliction of duty by the employee. That is failure to conform to the rules and regulation of the work place, failure to perform their duties assigned in a satisfactory manner. In his case, Marvin would have to produce as evidence a copy written rules and regulations that govern the conduct of employees at the cafe. She would also have to give evidence that every employee has access to the said rules and regulation, and they were not unavailable to them (Blum 2007). The regulation should have clear and explicit statement on the cause of action in case sleeping during work hours and being in a different location of the work premises other than the assigned duty station. Marvin would also have to provide a copy of the contract signed by Nell during her recruitment giving the conditions for relieve of duty. It should explicitly state the cause of action as a result of sleeping during work and the mode of communication used to imply the cause taken by the employer of the employee. Nell can on her side sue the employer for compensation for the loss of income and the psychological impacts of being dismissed by her employer without prior notice. She can also claim for her benefit after

Friday, November 1, 2019

Establishing a Business in New Jersey and the business regulation Assignment

Establishing a Business in New Jersey and the business regulation measures - Assignment Example This New Jersey authority is very essential and resourceful to upcoming and new ventures. It helps entrepreneurs to improve their businesses by providing opportunities for educational programs and workshops, financing, and real estate development services. A statewide, not-for-profit corporation on economic development called the Union County Economic Development Corp (UCEDC) formed a partnership with the NJEDA to serve better the small businesses and ventures that are minority and women-owned. This partnership gave rise to the formation of the Entrepreneurial training Initiative (ETI). The ETI offers web-based tools on self-assessment, financial business planning resources, budgeting workshops and business-plan services to provide avenues for an entrepreneur to start off the venture.The high increase in the Hispanic population in the New Jersey impelled the NJEDA to initiate a Spanish-language website. The Hispanic population has a strong entrepreneurial capability which is growing exponentially. The entrepreneurial immigrants access the consultation services that are provided by the Association for Enterprise Opportunity, which facilitates and fosters the growth of small enterprise.The New Jersey state has high cost of living and this has reflected the business arena in terms of starting up capital and regulation requirement fees. Mistakes regarding the several elections, stock ownership, consent, notification, and filing requirements can result in the termination of business status.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Drama analysis of Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drama analysis of Hamlet - Essay Example Hamlet feigns insanity to discover the truth, but might as easily be insane by the mere fact of seeing and talking with ghosts. While Hamlet at first seems to be insane, there are several ways, through both language and action, that Shakespeare works to demonstrate that there is a definite method behind Hamlet’s madness. Hamlet, is at first presented as an intelligent young man who is perhaps a little spoiled yet who knows his duty and has a bright future ahead of him, but who is also quickly linked with the idea of insanity. From the beginning of the play, he is shown to be a man who is divided. His first spoken words in the play, â€Å"a little more than kin, and less than kind!† (I, ii), are spoken in an aside to himself, indicating the disdain in which he holds his uncle and mother, but could also be interpreted as the first signs of insanity as he is seen to be talking to himself. His next words, spoken to his uncle, â€Å"Not so, my lord. I am too much in the sun† (I, ii), demonstrate his ability to quickly turn a phrase upon itself. While he is answering his uncle’s question about why the â€Å"clouds still hang† on him, he does not answer the question and instead makes a reference to being looked after too much by his uncle as well as too much considered a son. Th is tendency of his to always find a double meaning in any sentence is one of the first indications of insanity Shakespeare provides. In addition, Hamlet demonstrates an almost suicidal depression following his father’s death and his mother’s betrayal, only kept from that by his religious upbringing: â€Å"O that this too too sullied flesh would melt, / Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew, / Or that the Everlasting had not fixed / His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter† (I, ii). Very early in the play we learn that Hamlet has lost all faith, all joy and all purpose in life. He cannot accept his

Monday, October 28, 2019

Enthanasia Pro And Cons Essay Example for Free

Enthanasia Pro And Cons Essay As Victor Fung Keung pointed out in the Observer column (A person has the right to a dignified death, August 18), most people object to euthanasia without thinking about the subject in a rational way. They ignore the fact that someone who is terminally ill will not get better. And they are indifferent to the suffering and mental anguish that these patients endure. It is cowardly to ignore the excruciating pain they suffer before dying. People opposed to euthanasia banish thoughts of their loved ones ever facing such pain. There are those who attempt to take the moral high ground, saying a life should not be ended in this way under any circumstances. We have to face the issue of euthanasia. We must address it now, not just because of the pleas of the quadriplegic Choi Wan-fung (Quadriplegic thinks about how to kill himself every day, August 16), but also because it is simply inhumane to stand idly by while people die in extreme pain. The government and legislators should have the courage to reform the law on euthanasia. Ko King-tim, Kowloon Tong I do not agree with Victor Fung Keungs article (A person has the right to a dignified death, August 18). I think a person has the right to a dignified life and that there is no dignity in death. I disagree with the promoters of euthanasia, because people choose to die, not through free will, but under pressure, mostly from family members. You reported on the plight of quadriplegic Choi Wan-fung. If I was in a situation where I felt I had become a financial burden to my wife or my children, I would want to opt to die. That is why the present law exists, to protect me, not to encourage me to commit suicide. At the same time, a civil society should provide the means for someone in that state to be able to lead a dignified life. Mr Fung says that dying with dignity is humane but how does he know? As Hamlet says, that is the undiscovered country. A friend of mine died last year of cancer at 53. He was in great pain, but just a few days before dying, and in spite of suffering, lying in his garden he explained to me how overwhelmed he was by the beauty of flowers.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life Essay -- Science

Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life When I look up at the stars at night, I just have to wonder who or what is looking back at me from some distant planet in some distant galaxy. We’ve all probably wondered what lies beyond our small, self-contained little world. The question many have pondered is whether or not there is intelligent life beyond earth. In the words of Metrodorus, a Greek philosopher of the fourth century, "To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow." I believe that intelligent extraterrestrial life does exist. Critics of the theory of intelligent life beyond earth will argue that there is no such thing because they’ve never seen a "little green man." There are those who want proof of extraterrestrial life before they can accept the fact that there is any life besides what is on our Earth. They have a point. I’ve never seen an alien. I’ve never talked to anyone whose had a "close encounter." Sure, we’ve all seen the shows on TV with convincing footage of flying saucers, but we have no actual proof of intelligent life dependent from earth. It is true that we have no evidence of intelligent life beyond earth, but to claim that none exists because we’ve never seen aliens is like saying that the atom doesn’t exist because you can’t see one. We who have a grasp of our physical surroundings, and a basic knowledge of chemistry realize that the atom is the basic building block of matter. Those who say that there is no intelligent life other than our own need to realize several things. First, our universe is infinite. This leaves literally infinit... ...ence, why is our government so concerned about it? Although we can’t prove the existence of intelligent life beyond earth, it is very likely that it does exist. When one considers the vast infinite universe we live in, it would be completely foolish to believe that life on earth is unique. It is not just me who says that other intelligent life exists, though. Many scientists and philosophers have speculated about life on other planets for centuries, and today the search for life is a major driving factor in space exploration. Extraterrestrial life is not just an idea reserved for those who watch The X-files every night with all the lights out, it is an important concept in our current space-age, and to ignore the fact that extraterrestrial life would be like those of our ancestors who refused to believe that the world was round.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Capital Punishment and Minors, Women, Retarded, and the Innocent :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

This essay takes the exceptions to the rule, the classes of people who are not ordinarily sentenced to death, and expsoses how they are impacted by the death penalty. Child offenders are people convicted of committing crimes when they were under the age of 18. International human rights treaties prohibit anyone under 18 years of age at the time of the crime being sentenced to death. The ICCPR, the ACHR and the CRC all have provisions to this effect. One hundred and fifteen countries whose laws still provide for the death penalty either have provisions in their laws which exclude the death penalty against child offenders, or may be presumed to exclude such use by virtue of becoming parties to the above treaties without entering a reservation to the relevant article of those treaties. The UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, at its annual meeting in August in Geneva, passed a resolution condemning the imposition and execution of the death penalty on those aged under 18 at the time of the commission of the offence. At the Asia Pacific Forum of Human Rights Institutions, meeting in Rotorua, New Zealand in August, the Advisory Council of Jurists, which is one of the bodies reporting to the above Forum, considered the death penalty, one of two issues referred to it by the Forum. In its final report issued in December the Council said that it ''......accepts as a minimum the restrictions placed on the categories of persons that can be executed as set out int the ICCPR namely persons who commit an offence while below eighteen years of age........ .....The Council emphasizes that the persons who commit offences when below the age of 18 are not to be executed under the terms of the ICCPR and Convention on the rights of the Child.'' Representatives on the Advisory Council of Jurists came from Australia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Nepal had not at that time nominated its representative to the Council. Pakistan: The government of Pakistan on 1 July 2000 issued the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000 which prohibits the death penalty for anyone aged below 18 at the time of the alleged offence. This comes exactly 10 years after Pakistan ratified the UNCRC which makes it obligatory for states parties to ban the death penalty for juvenile offenders in domestic legislation. Capital Punishment and Minors, Women, Retarded, and the Innocent :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays This essay takes the exceptions to the rule, the classes of people who are not ordinarily sentenced to death, and expsoses how they are impacted by the death penalty. Child offenders are people convicted of committing crimes when they were under the age of 18. International human rights treaties prohibit anyone under 18 years of age at the time of the crime being sentenced to death. The ICCPR, the ACHR and the CRC all have provisions to this effect. One hundred and fifteen countries whose laws still provide for the death penalty either have provisions in their laws which exclude the death penalty against child offenders, or may be presumed to exclude such use by virtue of becoming parties to the above treaties without entering a reservation to the relevant article of those treaties. The UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, at its annual meeting in August in Geneva, passed a resolution condemning the imposition and execution of the death penalty on those aged under 18 at the time of the commission of the offence. At the Asia Pacific Forum of Human Rights Institutions, meeting in Rotorua, New Zealand in August, the Advisory Council of Jurists, which is one of the bodies reporting to the above Forum, considered the death penalty, one of two issues referred to it by the Forum. In its final report issued in December the Council said that it ''......accepts as a minimum the restrictions placed on the categories of persons that can be executed as set out int the ICCPR namely persons who commit an offence while below eighteen years of age........ .....The Council emphasizes that the persons who commit offences when below the age of 18 are not to be executed under the terms of the ICCPR and Convention on the rights of the Child.'' Representatives on the Advisory Council of Jurists came from Australia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Nepal had not at that time nominated its representative to the Council. Pakistan: The government of Pakistan on 1 July 2000 issued the Juvenile Justice System Ordinance 2000 which prohibits the death penalty for anyone aged below 18 at the time of the alleged offence. This comes exactly 10 years after Pakistan ratified the UNCRC which makes it obligatory for states parties to ban the death penalty for juvenile offenders in domestic legislation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Psychotic, childhood, and cognitive disorders Essay

Many disorders are said to form in the stages of childhood or are in some way are bound to an individual by genetics. Some may just gradually appear or grow more intense over a period of time. No matter the disorder, it can make a person’s life a challenging one. The disorders that will be discussed below are psychotic disorders, childhood disorders, and cognitive disorders and how they affect an individual’s life. Psychotic disorders Psychosis is a symptom that causes an individual to be out of touch with reality. An individual may experience hallucinations and delusions. Schizophrenia is a disorder that fits into this category. The characteristics of schizophrenia are hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thought or speech, bizarre behavior, decrease in speech, emotional flattening, lack of motivation, and lack of pleasure. It has five subtypes known as paranoid schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia, catatonic schizophrenia, residual schizophrenia, and undifferentiated schizophrenia. The biological components look at the distal and proximal causes. According to Hansell & Damour (2008), The proximal causes of the symptoms involve various abnormalities in brain function, brain structure, and neuropsychological/neurophysiological status that may cause schizophrenic symptoms (though it is also possible that some of them are effects, not causes, of schizophrenia). The distal causes are what help to answer the questions to what the causes of schizophrenia may be. The cognitive components focus on the deficits in reasoning and the role that attention has. Interventions address those deficits to help treat schizophrenia. The sociocultural perspective focuses on institutional and large social forces that may have been the cause of the disorder. The family systems perspective suggests that the family has much do with causing schizophrenia. The hypothesis that family environments are pathological, give theorists something to focus on in family therapy. Freud believed that schizophrenia was biologically based. His idea was that psychotherapy would not help schizophrenia since he believed the individual was trying to connect with the outside world. Frieda Fromm-Reichmann used psychotherapy to successfully treat a patient. She believed schizophrenia was caused by an overbearing mother who was too demanding and cold shouldered. Childhood disorders There are many disorders in this category. The complete list includes: mental retardation, learning disorders, motor skills disorder, communication disorders, persuasive developmental disorders, ADD behavior disorder (Attention deficit and disruptive), eating and feeding disorders of infancy and early childhood, tic disorders, elimination disorders, and the category of other disorders. There are five prominent disorders that are considered by the DSM-IV-TR as childhood disorders: Mental retardation, separation anxiety disorder, ADD disorders, persuasive developmental disorders, and learning disorders. Mental retardation is a disorder present at birth. It impairs adaptive behavior and intellectual functioning. This includes Down syndrome, fragile x syndrome, tay-sachs disease, phenylketonuria, fetal alchohol syndrome, and shaken baby syndrome. Separation anxiety disorder happens when excessive anxiety appears as a result of separation from home or parents/guardians. ADD, also known as attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorder, includes three different types of diagnosis’s: attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and conduct disorder (CD). ADHD includes characteristics of impulsivity, hyperactivity, inattention. ODD includes characteristics of hostility, negativity, and defiant behavior along with the combination of other symptoms that include: temper loss, argumentative, defies rules and does not comply, deliberately annoying, blames others for misbehavior and mistakes, reactive or touchy, resentful, angry, vindictive, and spiteful. CD has characteristics of property destruction, theft, deceitfulness, aggression toward animals and people, and serious violation of any rules. A persuasive developmental disorder is characterized by persistent and profound impairment of functioning. Normal communication and social skills are not developed. Autism is the most common disorder diagnosed in this category as well as aspergers disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and rett’s disorder. Autism consists of impaired communication, social interaction, and repetitive patterns of activities, interests, and behaviors. Asberger’s disorder consists of superior and cognitive language skills. They share some of the same aspects of autism yet focus more on specific objects or things. Children with childhood disintegrative disorder develop normally until the age of two. Then they suddenly lose motor skills, language ability, and social skills and start to develop many of the characteristics of autism. Rett’s disorder occurs after two years of age as well and shares many autism characteristics. This disorder only develops in girls. Characteristics include slow head growth, loss of physical coordination, motor skills, and social skills. Learning disorders impair all of the areas of cognitive functioning as well as trouble with certain academic skills. This category includes disorders such as dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and dyslexia. All of these disorders cause problems within a learning environment and interferes with daily living activities. Cognitive Disorders A cognitive disorder is characterized by a change in functioning caused by disturbance in thinking. There are three main disorders in this category: amnesia, dementia, and delirium. Dementia and delirium typically occur in elderly adults. The characteristics of delirium include difficulty focusing, attention shifting, language problems, disorientation, and memory loss that appear within a couple of hours and may last for days. The characteristics of dementia are memory impairment and cognitive deficits along with at least one of the following: apraxia, aphasia, executive functioning disturbances, or agnosia. It is permanent and gradually declines cognitive functioning. Individuals with amnesia have trouble developing memory and the inability to recall memories. It can either be chronic or transient, depending on the type of amnesia. Organic amnesia is a result of a viral infection, substance abuse, or physical trauma caused to the brain. Other types of amnesia may involve brain damage that is lasting or pervasive. Conclusion Developing a disorder can be difficult. Obtaining the right treatment and help can be beneficial the individuals life. Psychotic disorders are on a different level than the rest of the disorders described above. They require medication and possibly hospitalization since there is yet to be a cure. Childhood disorders can be managed with the correct medication and family therapy sessions. Cognitive disorders may require medication, depending on the severity as well as deep brain stimulation, surgery, or therapy to help with memory. Currently there is no cure for dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, only a help of prolonging the effects.