Friday, December 20, 2019

Importance Of Cell Phones In The Classroom - 1719 Words

The idea of cell phones in the classroom is an immensely debated topic. Researchers and professors have done research and conducted experiments to decide if having technology in the classroom is beneficial or simply a distraction. Many school’s policies on the use of technology vary depending on the type of education system. The statistics given based on whether cell phone use is permitted at school is oftentimes used to support one side of the argument. People tend to lean towards a specific side of the argument based on the evidence given. Ramesh Sharma’s â€Å"Cell phones in the classroom† supports the idea of cell phones in the classroom while Sylvia McDonald’s â€Å"The effects and predictor value of in-class texting behavior on final course†¦show more content†¦McDonald uses a credible institution as a base for her research. McDonald does not completely disagree with the use of cellphones in the classroom. Cell phones can be an excellent f orm of communication, but often times become a distraction. As McDonald states, â€Å"The more a student participated in in-class texting behavior, the lower their final grade† (2013). This piece of evidence shows that cell phone use directly hurts the overall learning environment. The reader can interpret that a classroom that is cell phone based will have a harder time learning and getting the information. Cell phones distract the students from retaining the information. McDonald continues her argument by discussing the job of the teacher in this issue: â€Å"While a professor certainly cannot control for individual behavior such as daydreaming or doodling, this study presents the necessity of some type of effective texting policy† (2013). McDonald explains that the teacher cannot control a student that refuses to pay attention However, a teacher can prevent distractions such as technology from entering the classroom with policies and rules. Overall, the author expla ins the relevance of cell phone use and how much of a distraction it can actually be by giving a reliable research tool that shows how theShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Cell Phones In The Classroom1194 Words   |  5 Pagestechnology, even with the growing trend of cell phones being brought to school and used during class, our board of education must stick to the status quo, which is that cell phones should not be allowed in class. We need to disallow cell phones in class for three main reasons: they provide a temptation and distraction to students, studies have proven that cell phones correlate with lower test scores, and finally students can develop addictions to cell phones which can detrimentally affect the livesRead MoreThe Importance Of Cell Phone Bans In The Classroom773 Words   |  4 Pagesfrom using phones in the classroom or from bringing them to school. But we do know that bans like these are common-and for good reasons. 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