Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Activity Potential Impact On Intervention †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: What Is The Activity Potential Impact On Intervention? Answer: Introducation The selected segment is Sun seeker which is the segment four of a particular study conducted in order to strengthen the sun protection behaviours within UK. The Sun Smart programme was conducted by the Cancer Research, UK. As a part of the awareness programme due to the increasing rates of skin cancer due to the increasing levels of exposure to the sun, the survey was conducted by the business Research Unit of UK. The activity which is discussed related to the segment four of the research conducted is about sunbathing. It discusses about the people who engage in sunbathing activities. The people, who engage in the activity of sunbathing, reported the levels of getting burnt due to the direct exposure to the sun for more than two hours or more. The people who participated in these activities consisted of mostly those who were teen aged. The number of people who were middle aged and belonging to segment four were comparatively less. The activity of sunbathing was also closely connected to the activity of applying the sunscreen and feeling the need to apply sunscreen within a regular interval of two hours. Based on this activity and the results of the survey conducted among the people who participated in these activities, the possibilities of raising awareness were considered. The approach of behavioural segmentation comprises the basis of the adopted interventions to increase the awareness among the people. The activity of sunbathing directly impacts the campaign related to the prevention of skin cancer among the people (Dudley et al., 2015). The attitudinal, behavioural as well as the factors influencing the patterns of sunbathing behaviour shows how it impacts the sun burn causing probable skin cancer risks among the bathers. The intervention related to the awareness with the help of the Sun Smart programme is directly impacted by the management of the people participating in sun bathing, in short the activities of the sun seekers. In order to minimise the impact of the sun burns on the people as also to reduce the chances of skin cancer, several campaigns for cancer awareness need to be conducted. The exposure of the children to the sun needs to be mediated and controlled (Colditz, Wolin Gehlert, 2012). Recommendations include the screening for melanoma occurrence. This is relatively insufficient and is important for this cause. Early detection and treatment of skin cancer is also extremely important. Awareness programmes need to be conducted for the effective understanding of the concept of tanning and how it is related to the risks of skin cancer (Godic et al., 2014). Apart from this, people should be made aware of the UV risks related to the skin exposure to the sun (Hirst et al., 2012). Special importance should also be given to the climate changes and the way in which impacts the occurrence of skin cancer. In case all these factors are incorporated in the newer interventions adopted, the prevention of sk in cancer will be possible and the campaigns conducted will also be successful in their endeavours. References: Colditz, G. A., Wolin, K. Y., Gehlert, S. (2012). Applying what we know to accelerate cancer prevention. Science translational medicine, 4(127), 127rv4-127rv4. Dudley, D. A., Winslade, M. J., Wright, B. J., Cotton, W. G., McIver, J. L., Jackson, K. S. (2015). Rationale and study protocol to evaluate the SunSmart policy intervention: a cluster randomised controlled trial of a primary school-based health promotion program. BMC public health, 15(1), 42. Godic, A., Poljak, B., Adamic, M., Dahmane, R. (2014). The role of antioxidants in skin cancer prevention and treatment. Oxidative nursing and cellular longevity, 2014. Hirst, N. G., Gordon, L. G., Scuffham, P. A., Green, A. C. (2012). Lifetime cost-effectiveness of skin cancer prevention through promotion of daily sunscreen use. Value in Health, 15(2), 26

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