Sunday, September 8, 2019

Creative Briefs Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Creative Briefs - Term Paper Example The writer for Chock Full o’Nuts has been prompted to write the creative brief in order to offer directions on the client’s advertisement. It is important that the advertisement takes advantage of the increased demand for home brewed coffee over specialty coffees for the writer. This genre has been selected for rhetorical analysis because of my interest in advertising, especially with regards to design requirements. The Chock Full o’Nuts brief, for example, requires that the advert show the coffee’s regional allegiance to New York and the benefits of home brewing. Through a description of required landmarks and comparison of the two coffees, the writer seeks to create a mental image of what the advert should focus on. The writer also seems to assume that the readers know all about coffee. This is different to the Imogen Heaps’ brief, in which the writer gives the readers information on trends in the music industry. The writer has acted after communi cation with the client and research findings, which have moved him towards seeking to advertise the album on a digital platform. The writer utilizes description of the music industry through research findings, comparison of two music formats, and rationalization of the differences between the two platforms. By addressing this brief to the advertising team, the writer is seeking to establish a professional relationship with them.The Chock Full o’Nuts creative brief takes the stance that American coffee enthusiasts are turning to home brewed coffee due to its lower price.

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