Monday, September 16, 2019

Test: History of Michigan

How many of them were foreign-born? A) B) 22% C) 14% 5. The earliest mining in Michigan was for what mineral? A) iron B) silver C) gold D) copper after conducting extensive surveying and geological studies that confirmed the existence of copper deposits throughout the Awaken Peninsula, who published a report in 1841 that changed the course of Michigan economic, political and social development? A) Henry Rowe Schoolmate B) Lewis Sacs C) Douglas Houghton D) Robert Rogers 7. The Public Improvement Act ran into problems because 1 837 was not an opportune time for Michigan to seek purchasers for bonds.How did President Andrew Jackson's â€Å"Specie Circular† policy make it even harder for Michigan to find potential investors? A) it demanded that land purchased from the government had to be sold in plots no smaller than 1 60 acres B) it demanded that land controlled by the government could only be purchased by white males who had been born in the United States C) it demanded that al l land purchased from the government be paid for in gold or silver D) it demanded that all land purchased from the government be paid for in paper money issued by specie-backed banks 8.Following the Civil War, copper reduction in Michigan soared from 25 million pounds in 1872 to a peak of 267 million pounds in 1916. During what years did Michigan lead the nation in copper output? A) 1900-1940 B) 1847-1887 C) 1916-1956 D) Present day (Michigan still is the nation's largest producer of copper) 9. What was the Annotation Boulder? A) a 1/2-ton Potatoes Stone discovered in the Upper Peninsula B) a 1 -ton piece of granite used the carve the capstone of the Michigan State Capitol Building C) a 2-ton piece of iron discovered sticking out of the ground at the base of Iron Mountain D) a 3-ton boulder made of pure copper 10.How did William A. Burt determine in 1844 that large deposits of iron ore were located in the Upper Peninsula? A) he tripped over a piece of iron ore that Was sitting expos ed on the surface B) he found large chunks Of iron ore stuck to the roots of a tree that blew over during a windstorm C) the needle of his magnetic compass kept spinning wildly whenever he walked over specific patches of ground D) Native Americans showed him samples of raw iron ore they had made into decorative ornaments 1 1 . When Michigan first became a state, its capital was Detroit.However, many felt that Detroit was dangerously lose to Canada if another war with England should break out. As a result, the capital was moved further west to a village in Ingram County. How did the capital city come to be called â€Å"Lansing? † A) a man named John Lansing donated 1 00 acres of land to the state for the purpose of constructing the capital city B) many of the settlers in the village were from Lansing New York, which was named after John Lansing, chancellor of New York from 1801-1810 C) the city was named after Edward Lansing, a noted Indian fighter during the War of 1812 D) th e city was named after Stevens T.Lansing, Michigan first territorial governor 12. An 1850, Michigan voters approved a new constitution, which for the first time granted voting rights to what group(s) of people? A) blacks B) aliens (foreign-born immigrants) and Indians who renounced tribal loyalties C) women D) free white men who did not own property 13. A person in 19th-century America who believed that the institution of slavery needed to be done away with was referred to as a/an: A) polygamist B) abolitionist C) suffragist D) secessionist 14. During the 1 sass and sass, a great era of reform swept across the UnitedStates. One issue in particular caused a great deal of excitement. It grew out of a movement called the Washington Society that had been founded in Baltimore, Maryland in 1840. What did its members advocate? A) the prohibition of alcohol (forbidding its manufacture, sale and consumption) B) abolition of slavery C) greater civil rights for women, including the right to vo te D) abolition of polygamy (as practiced by the Morons as well as by some Utopian communities elsewhere in the U. S. ) 15. The Michigan State Flag has a blue shield in the center with the word â€Å"Tubbier† printed on it.What was this word mean? A) Honor above all. B) I will defend. C) Victory or death. D) Truth and justice. 16. Michigan residents who were opposed to slavery organized a secret transportation system to assist escaped slaves reach free soil. What was this transportation system called? A) Freedom Trail B) Underground Railroad C) Michigan Canal Company D) Overland Cartage Company 17. What was the most difficult challenge Charles Harvey faced when trying to construct the Sault Set. Marie Canal so that ships carrying ore from Lake Superior could sail into Lake Huron?A) Indian attacks Harvey's work crews ere attacked by small but fierce bands of local Indians on at least five different occasions B) elevation Lake Huron was 22 feet lower than Lake Superior C) strik ing workers Harvey's workers, most of whom were immigrants who were ovenirked, underpaid and far from home, stopped working for three months until the were promised a raise in pay and better working conditions D) high water two years of record snowfalls plus months Of continual rainfall caused a situation where lake levels were so high that it was nearly impossible for Harvey's men to dig the channels for the proposed canal 18.Please match each term with the correct definition. Michigan politician who introduced the concept of â€Å"popular sovereignty† in 1848 during his unsuccessful bid to be elected President of the United States. B. Lewis Sacs an escaped slave in Detroit who was captured by slave catchers and about to be returned to Kentucky when a mob of whites and blacks attacked his captors, freed him, and then took him to Canada. E. Thornton Blackburn a Mormon who left Utah in 1848 moved with a group of followers to Beaver Island in Lake Michigan and established a col ony. He later proclaimed himself to be the island's king. A.Jesse James String a Detroit merchant who spent a small fortune trying to acquire the Annotation Boulder so he could charge people 25 cents to see it. D. Julius Leered a fierce anti- slavery proponent who came to Detroit in 1859 to hear Frederick Douglass speak. He then told Detroit abolitionists of his plan to start a full-scale slave revolt by raiding the arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia). C. John Brown 19. According to the facts listed on the graphic celebrating Michigan 17th birthday, Michigan has miles of Great Lakes shoreline. A) 2,288 miles B) I ,288 miles C) 3,288 miles D) 4,288 miles 0. N 1854, a new political party was formed In Jackson, Michigan. This new party sought to offer an alternative to the Democrats and the Whig who were then in power. What was this new party called? A) Know-Nothing B) Republican C) Free Soil D) Progressive 21 . During the 1 sass, what was the dominant political issu e in Michigan and the nation? A) the abolition of slavery across the nation B) prohibition of alcohol C) slavery and its extension into the Western territories D) restricting foreign immigration 22. Michigan used road building techniques that were used in other parts of the county with lots of trees.What type of road had a surface made of thick, flat wooded boards laid next to each other in a row to provide travelers with a smoother ride? A) corduroy road B) hewn plank road C) tree ford D) plank road (or highway) 23. A person in 19th-century America who believed that a man should be able to be married to more than one woman at a time was called a/an: A) abolitionist B) polygamist 24. Public lands were surveyed into townships, each of which measured 6 miles by 6 miles and consisted of 36 sections. Sections were then subdivided into smaller parts and sold to the public.If one section = 640 acres, how many cress were in a quarter quarter section? A) 320 acres B) 160 acres C) 80 acres D ) 40 acres 25. Where is the Annotation Boulder today? A) on display in the Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing B) on display at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC C) somewhere at the bottom of Lake Superior (it was lost when the ship taking the boulder from the Upper Peninsula to Detroit sank during a storm) D) it no longer exists–it was melted down during World War II to help the war effort 26. Some state legislators in Georgia are arguing that it's time to correct a mistake made by a surveyor 200 ears ago.Georgia claims that its border should extend about 1 mile further north to the 35th parallel (into what is now the state of Tennessee). What would Georgia gain if its northern border were to be changed? A) The resort communities of Gatlinburg and Seville (home of the Dolly's resort) would no longer be part of Tennessee, but sit in Georgia–thus bringing badly needed revenue from taxes and tourist dollars into the Georgia economy. B) Georgia would ha ve a share of the Tennessee River–a waterway with about IS times the flow of the river metropolitan Atlanta currently depends on for eater.C) Georgians total size (in square miles) would increase enough that Georgia could claim to be the largest southern state in the U. S. 27 . According to local legend, the healing powers of Mount Clemens' sulfur-rich mineral water first became known when: A) baseball legend, Babe Ruth–whose career looked like it was coming to an end because of arthritis in the player's shoulders and arms–hit three home runs in a single game after two weeks of treatments in a â€Å"Bath City† spa. B) Presidential A. Garfield was taken to Mount Clemens for treatments after he Was shot by a would-be assassin.C) a horse, suffering from old age and rheumatism, became rejuvenated by drinking and rolling in Mount Clemens' water. 28. An the 1 8305, canals provided an effective and affordable means of transporting freight and passengers. How did canal boats move up and down the canals? A) They were propelled by small steam engines called â€Å"donkey engines. † B) They were equipped with sails which caught the wind and propelled the canal boats through the water. C) Each canal boat had a crew of men who used long poles to push the canal boat through the water.D) The canal boats were attached y large ropes to a team of mules or horses on the shore which pulled the canal boat through the water. E) The canal boats were rowed by crews of men with large oars. 29. Mount Clemens' â€Å"Bath City† era ended when the â€Å"Arrears,† the city's last bath house, burned down in 1974. However, a company called Mineral Essentials is providing visitors with access to the city's healing waters today. How are they doing it? A) When a customer goes for a treatment, s/he sits in a tub into which powder distilled from Mount Clemens' water has been mixed with regular tap water.

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