Saturday, December 28, 2019

Peer Literature Review Journal - 1316 Words

Methods To evaluate corresponding authors’ attitudes towards the involvement of PMWs in the development of peer-reviewed publications, we conducted a short online survey to assess their opinions. Selection of journals and potential authors We identified potential corresponding authors of published peer-reviewed articles to survey through the following steps: 1) identification of the journals; 2) search and selection of the articles; 3) review of each article and selection of the authors. Identification of the journals We extracted a listing of journal names classified by therapy area, disease, Impact Factor (IF), and circulation rate using Journal Selector as a search tool (Table 1). Journal Selector is the industry’s leading database of†¦show more content†¦Review of each article and selection of the authors We reviewed the newly defined article database to assess if each article respected the selected criteria. Therefore, we included only articles on randomised controlled clinical trials (RCTs). We excluded systematic reviews and post-hoc analysis. Most selected articles (70%; 209/298) were registered on the international or on the European EudraCT clinical trials databases. A few articles of corresponding authors of the Asia-Pacific regions were registered in local database, such as the ANZCTR, the online registry of clinical trials being undertaken in Australia and New Zealand. Over one-third (38%; 113/298) of the selected RCTs articles were pharmaceutical funded. Because several corresponding authors were authors of more than one articles published in our selected peer-reviewed journals, we identified a total of 240 corresponding authors to survey (Table 2). We estimated that this samples size of corresponding authors was sufficient to test our hypothesis and reac h a response rate (RR) of 10-15%. Development of survey We developed a survey of 10 questions using SurveyMonkey, an online survey designer that enables to create surveys quickly and easily ( We deliberately kept the number of questions low to improve RR. Our 10 questions included 4 multiple choice, 3 rating, and 3 open-ended questions (AppendixShow MoreRelatedPeer Review And Writing Style Essay875 Words   |  4 PagesWhen Research, Peer Review and Writing Style Meet Bringing new evidence based practice to the bedside involves a multi-faceted approach involving research, peer review, and publication of new ideas. Research is necessary for the discovery of scientific advancement. Peer review is necessary to ensure the integrity of research findings prior to publication. Adherence to writing principles and style are necessary to convey research findings vetted by peer review. Poorly written research findingsRead MoreWhat Is Peer Review?960 Words   |  4 PagesThe literature review What is peer review? 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Importance Of Cell Phones In The Classroom - 1719 Words

The idea of cell phones in the classroom is an immensely debated topic. Researchers and professors have done research and conducted experiments to decide if having technology in the classroom is beneficial or simply a distraction. Many school’s policies on the use of technology vary depending on the type of education system. The statistics given based on whether cell phone use is permitted at school is oftentimes used to support one side of the argument. People tend to lean towards a specific side of the argument based on the evidence given. Ramesh Sharma’s â€Å"Cell phones in the classroom† supports the idea of cell phones in the classroom while Sylvia McDonald’s â€Å"The effects and predictor value of in-class texting behavior on final course†¦show more content†¦McDonald uses a credible institution as a base for her research. McDonald does not completely disagree with the use of cellphones in the classroom. Cell phones can be an excellent f orm of communication, but often times become a distraction. As McDonald states, â€Å"The more a student participated in in-class texting behavior, the lower their final grade† (2013). This piece of evidence shows that cell phone use directly hurts the overall learning environment. The reader can interpret that a classroom that is cell phone based will have a harder time learning and getting the information. Cell phones distract the students from retaining the information. McDonald continues her argument by discussing the job of the teacher in this issue: â€Å"While a professor certainly cannot control for individual behavior such as daydreaming or doodling, this study presents the necessity of some type of effective texting policy† (2013). McDonald explains that the teacher cannot control a student that refuses to pay attention However, a teacher can prevent distractions such as technology from entering the classroom with policies and rules. Overall, the author expla ins the relevance of cell phone use and how much of a distraction it can actually be by giving a reliable research tool that shows how theShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Cell Phones In The Classroom1194 Words   |  5 Pagestechnology, even with the growing trend of cell phones being brought to school and used during class, our board of education must stick to the status quo, which is that cell phones should not be allowed in class. We need to disallow cell phones in class for three main reasons: they provide a temptation and distraction to students, studies have proven that cell phones correlate with lower test scores, and finally students can develop addictions to cell phones which can detrimentally affect the livesRead MoreThe Importance Of Cell Phone Bans In The Classroom773 Words   |  4 Pagesfrom using phones in the classroom or from bringing them to school. But we do know that bans like these are common-and for good reasons. It helps both students and teachers. Why, the n, are cellphone bans still controversial? All schools, cellphones should not belong in the classroom because it is the action that makes the students stay away from studying. This issue should be put to rest once and for all. Cellphones keep students from concentrating and cyberbullying-kids who use phone will increaseRead MoreThe Misuse Of Cell Phones In School?1312 Words   |  6 PagesCell Phones In School Do cell phones belong in school? Many think they can be a learning revolution while others think it is a learning deficit. In November 2017, the students of Deer Path Middle School were in the middle of LA class when suddenly a student’s phone blared disrupting the whole class. He was trying to play a mobile game in class. Many could not overcome the shock but the teacher took swift action and punished the student according to his crime. Misuse of Phones Phones. 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On the other hand, if teachers allowed the use of these devices, they could work as an aid. Although some believe that phones distract st udents in class, implementing them in the classroom could help learning, and may helpRead MoreRestricted Cell Phone Areas896 Words   |  4 PagesIn the article From Stone Age To Phone Age , author Barbara Ehrereich argues that all cell phones serve as a status symbol, thus presenting mankind s selfish attempt to showboat their level of importance. By publicly engaging in meaningless conversations individuals are able to obtain admirer s jealously; thus portraying that the on-lookers are lonely because of their absence of a cellular phone or lack of received calls. In fact since primal times it has been a tendency of humans to competeRead MoreTechnology in the American Classroom1154 Words   |  5 Pagesour homework, and even communication are all examples of how technology has evolved simple tasks. 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To computers, downloadingRead MoreThe Internet Is The Most Popular Medium For Data Sharing, And Communication1586 Words   |  7 Pagesthese same prospects in hopes of a more efficient/engaged classroom. To kee p up with changing times, classrooms (K-12, and higher education) are undergoing dramatic changes in structure, curriculum, and classroom setting. The post computer generation is being thrown into an experimental learning and social environment without understanding the possible contingencies. Not only are college students being exposed to internet inside classrooms, but use it even more frequently outside of class. It is relevantRead MoreThe Importance Of Cell Phones And Driving1053 Words   |  5 Pagesuse of cell phones that they are no more conscious of what is going on around them. â€Å"Studies found out that more than 90 percent of students admit to using their devices for non-class activities during class times.† During class hours, students are busy texting on their phones while the class is going on. This has led to lack of concentration towards students therefore leading to poor academic performance. Also, â€Å"Sexting†- the act of sending or receiving explicit pictures by cell phones is more

Thursday, December 12, 2019

MAC Addresses Wireless Network Monitored â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The MAC Addresses Wireless Network Monitored? Answer: Introduction The WPA2-PSK will be studied along with the WPA4-way handshake. The brute force password crack will be used to extract the passphrase. The wireless network traffic will be collected to find out the WEP key. For doing this action, some software and hardware tools are required. By using the SSID, the AP WEP configuration will be performed. AP is an access point. To connect wired LAN into wireless device, AP is used as a hub. It provides secure connection. The MAC addresses of wireless network will be monitored. For providing the gain address to the AP, MAC addresses will be predicted. MAC stands for Media Access Control. It is a unique identifier. It is used for making the communication at the data link layer. The Microsoft windows 2012 server will be installed. It will perform the authentication in active directory domain. The client and server configuration of will be done in windows 2012 server using some software and hardware. To carry out the MAC, address spoofing, WEP and WPA2 en cryption, implementation is carried out in Kali Linux. Kali Linux is chosen to carry out the process since it is easy for handling the encryption and recording, capturing and storing the traffic. Kali Linux is one of the Linux platform derived based on Debian. Kali Linux is used for penetration testing. Kali Linux has its host applications like back track, wire shark. Kali Linux can be easily installed via bootable CD OR DVD. Kali Linux is mostly used for carrying out forensic activities. Kali Linux has many tools. Some of the tools are wire shark, kismet, Maitego, Ettercap and many. Kali Linux is also used for Ethical hacking techniques. Lab 2-Worksheet WPA2-PSK stands for Wi-Fi protected Access 2 -pre shared key. It is also known as WPA2 personal. IT is one type of network security. It is designed instead of WEP. It is designed only for the home users. It does not need the enterprise authentication server. It is used for securing the network. Using TKIP with the network SSID, one could perform the passphrase. It is also used to create the similar encryption keys for each wireless client. The WEP also supported for passphrase. The encryption and authentication is components of WPA2.These two components are needed to secure the WLAN. The authentication component has two modes: personal and enterprise. Steps for cracking the WPA2-PSK passwords: Set the WIFI adapter in monitor mode. Capture traffic Focus one AP in one channel. Aire play. Capture the handshake. Objective To do the activity - Cracking WPA2-PSK, the below mentioned hardware and software tools are required. Software tool- Kali Linux virtual machine. Hardware tools 2-installed virtual machine in windows 7. 2-wireless adapters 1-access point. Configuration Initially the Access point (AP) is placed. SSID is 6EWSx for AP. The WPA2-PSK is configured with AP. Now one could note down the password (passphrase). With the help of WPA2-PSK passphrase, the wireless client pc is connected to the AP for configuration. Kali Linux adapter The kali Linux is connected with BT virtual machine. The VM removable device is attached with adapter. To find out the Mode of wireless adapter and MAC address in the Kali Linux, one could open the terminal. ifconfig-command is used for interfacing the name and HWaddr in adapters. iwconfig-command is used for interfacing name and Mode in wireless interfaces. Change the wireless adapter, from the managed mode to monitor mode. In the monitor mode, write down the name for adapter. Get the wireless information The 2nd terminal is opened to run the airodump with the help of "airodump-ng wlan0' command. It provides the information like which networks are present. Predict the wireless traffic Set the channel for monitor by opening the new terminal. Type "airodump-ng -c 6 -w psk --bssid (AP_MAC address) wlan0" to capturing the packets from the channel. For disconnecting the connected station, send the DE authentication to AP by using could use the airplay during the process of capturing. Then one could view the WPA4 way handshake. This is captured by airodump. How WPA-PSK passphrase is cracked The airodump is stopped. Now the air crack is used by the new terminal. This is Pre-shared key. Screenshots The below screen shows the adapter name in the Kali linux screen. BSSID PWR Beacons #Data #/s CH MB ENC CIPHER AUTH ESSID 00:11:95:9F:FD:F4 00:17:3F:65:2E:5A 37 18 102 35 2 0 0 0 6 11 54 54 WEP OPN WEP belkin54g BSSID STATION PWR RATE Lost Packets Probes 00:11:95:9F:FD:F4 00:13:02:30:FF:EC 72 0-54 0 2 2 Activity review questions Explain how to overcome the above problem? Need to use WPA2 security Would a manufacturer supplied complex password for the passphrase overcome this problem? Explain. No. This will be based on some well-known algorithms. Hence anyone can hack it List other settings that should be changed from default values. Channel, Mode, Channel width WPA/WPA2 version, encryption and password Wireless MAC Filtering, Firewall, VPN and ALG Conclusion The WPA2-PSK is studied along with the WPA4-way handshake. The brute force password crack is used to extract the passphrase. The wireless network traffic is collected to find out the WEP key. By using the SSID, the AP WEP configuration is performed. The MAC addresses of wireless network is monitored. For providing the gain address to the AP, MAC addresses is predicted. The Kali Linux is used for the process. References Ramachandran, V., Buchanan, C.Kali Linux wireless penetration testing. Wrightson, T. (2012).Wireless network security. New York: McGraw-Hill

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Activity Potential Impact On Intervention †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: What Is The Activity Potential Impact On Intervention? Answer: Introducation The selected segment is Sun seeker which is the segment four of a particular study conducted in order to strengthen the sun protection behaviours within UK. The Sun Smart programme was conducted by the Cancer Research, UK. As a part of the awareness programme due to the increasing rates of skin cancer due to the increasing levels of exposure to the sun, the survey was conducted by the business Research Unit of UK. The activity which is discussed related to the segment four of the research conducted is about sunbathing. It discusses about the people who engage in sunbathing activities. The people, who engage in the activity of sunbathing, reported the levels of getting burnt due to the direct exposure to the sun for more than two hours or more. The people who participated in these activities consisted of mostly those who were teen aged. The number of people who were middle aged and belonging to segment four were comparatively less. The activity of sunbathing was also closely connected to the activity of applying the sunscreen and feeling the need to apply sunscreen within a regular interval of two hours. Based on this activity and the results of the survey conducted among the people who participated in these activities, the possibilities of raising awareness were considered. The approach of behavioural segmentation comprises the basis of the adopted interventions to increase the awareness among the people. The activity of sunbathing directly impacts the campaign related to the prevention of skin cancer among the people (Dudley et al., 2015). The attitudinal, behavioural as well as the factors influencing the patterns of sunbathing behaviour shows how it impacts the sun burn causing probable skin cancer risks among the bathers. The intervention related to the awareness with the help of the Sun Smart programme is directly impacted by the management of the people participating in sun bathing, in short the activities of the sun seekers. In order to minimise the impact of the sun burns on the people as also to reduce the chances of skin cancer, several campaigns for cancer awareness need to be conducted. The exposure of the children to the sun needs to be mediated and controlled (Colditz, Wolin Gehlert, 2012). Recommendations include the screening for melanoma occurrence. This is relatively insufficient and is important for this cause. Early detection and treatment of skin cancer is also extremely important. Awareness programmes need to be conducted for the effective understanding of the concept of tanning and how it is related to the risks of skin cancer (Godic et al., 2014). Apart from this, people should be made aware of the UV risks related to the skin exposure to the sun (Hirst et al., 2012). Special importance should also be given to the climate changes and the way in which impacts the occurrence of skin cancer. In case all these factors are incorporated in the newer interventions adopted, the prevention of sk in cancer will be possible and the campaigns conducted will also be successful in their endeavours. References: Colditz, G. A., Wolin, K. Y., Gehlert, S. (2012). Applying what we know to accelerate cancer prevention. Science translational medicine, 4(127), 127rv4-127rv4. Dudley, D. A., Winslade, M. J., Wright, B. J., Cotton, W. G., McIver, J. L., Jackson, K. S. (2015). Rationale and study protocol to evaluate the SunSmart policy intervention: a cluster randomised controlled trial of a primary school-based health promotion program. BMC public health, 15(1), 42. Godic, A., Poljak, B., Adamic, M., Dahmane, R. (2014). The role of antioxidants in skin cancer prevention and treatment. Oxidative nursing and cellular longevity, 2014. Hirst, N. G., Gordon, L. G., Scuffham, P. A., Green, A. C. (2012). Lifetime cost-effectiveness of skin cancer prevention through promotion of daily sunscreen use. Value in Health, 15(2), 26