Saturday, July 27, 2019

Cell phones at school Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cell phones at school - Essay Example Cell phones should be allowed in schools. The simple fact is that cell phones make the campus a safer place to be. During these perilous times, that consideration should be of the highest priority. In an emergency like a fire or terrorist incident, students with cell phones are able to immediately communicate with police and other authorities. This provides for a rapid response to any emergency; one that could shave precious minutes off of the time it would take to notify an administrator, have the staff member verify the emergency, and then phone officials. The classic example of this position is the tragedy that happened at Columbine High School. When two students started using guns on their instructors and classmates, "students and teachers began phoning to alert police of a shooting going on...[and] a teacher on a cell phone desperately pleaded for rescue with the police as she simultaneously shouted at her students" to stay down (Breggin, 2000, pp. 4-5). The fact that there were several groups of students located in is olated areas of the large campus makes the case for cell phones at school; they were able to be safely rescued by police as a direct result of their ability to call and advise them of their location and status. While such extreme situations occur rarely, when they do take place, cell phones in the hands of the students can save lives. The prima

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