Thursday, July 25, 2019

Market Analysis and Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Market Analysis and Marketing Plan - Assignment Example Samsung mobile phones are of cheaper and affordable prices therefore making them to sell more and increase penetration of the smartphones in the market. It yields high profits to the company (Michell, 2010). Environmental analysis is performed by Samsung companies enabling them to come up with long-term plans for the production of Samsung phones. It consists of political factors whereby the government’s policy such as tax imposed on Samsung mobile phones affects prices and influence production of the headsets. Social, economic factors where changes in peoples lifestyles and buying patterns of new trending Samsung smartphones provides an opportunity for the Samsung company. The opportunity ebales smart phone to make profits and improve on its products hence adding to improvement in the economy. Technological factors impact prospects for the company to implement new designs and inventions to engrave costs and develop new sets of Samsung phones with advanced features (Song & Lee, 2015). It entails the introduction of new smartphones with different features and designs low costs on an invention. The invention focuses on the environment that will influence the phones and the capability to market the phones (Pousttch, & Wiedemann, 2010). Focusing on producing too many Samsung smartphones of the same features will reduce demand as this will be monotonous in the product market. Companies and low-profit margin will interfere with the production system of the Samsung smart phones (Henry, 2008). Demand for Samsung tablets is an opportunity to the company as this will raise the supply and increase profits. Advertising the smartphones creates awareness o their existence and features designed and increase in the smartphone market for example in India (Majumdar, 2007). Samsung smartphones face high competition from other smartphone markets saturated in developed countries. There has been an increase in technologic

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