Friday, July 26, 2019

Resulting in the Relocation of Japanese Americans Essay

Resulting in the Relocation of Japanese Americans - Essay Example The United States President made the above Executive Order to protect American interests. The Enduring Visions’ Chapter 25 states that the president during 1942 was Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Boyer 765). The order instructed all military units to imprison all Japanese Americans in preselected military prison camps ( The order was made in order to restrict the movement of resident who are of Japanese ancestries. The United States war enemies of 1942 included Japan, Italy, and Germany. The order was meant to restrict the movements of the Japanese Americans, two months after Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japanese military pilots (Laurier 35). Further, the order instructed the military to give food, shelter and other comforts to the incarcerated civilians. The order does mention the nationalities of the persons to be rounded up and imprisoned. However, the letter clearly states that the military will include the Japanese residents among those to be picked up and locked up in military camps within the United States ( Furthermore, the United States instructed the Secretary of War and the military commander to spearhead seeking the help of the federal troops and the federal agencies to implement the order. Consequently, the United States President ordered all United States departments to collaborate with the military authorities’ implementation of order 9066 ( Moreover, the intentions of the order did not limit the current investigations of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation. The bureau was investigating and weeding out possible saboteurs and spies from within the American communities having race relationships with the current United States war enemies. The bureau picked up and filed cases against proven Japanese spies and saboteurs ( Further, Executive order 9066 was issued during February of 1942. The document was made after Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese airplanes during December 7, 1941. The Japanese bomb ing during was two hours (Lassier 89). Even though the order did not mention whether the targeted civilians were Japanese, German, or Italian residents, the general interpretation of the order was to only focus on the Japanese people. This is understandable because of the recent bombing of Pearl Harbor ( As proof, the military started to forcibly rounding up and transfer the Japanese Americans within the designation military zones. Secretary of State ordered the Military Commander, Lt. General Dewitt, as the military commander of the Western Defense Command overseeing the implementation of Executive Order 9066 on February 20, 1942. The military prison zones were located in the western halves of California, Oregon, and Washington. Likewise, the Southern half of Arizona was set as another military prison zone. As proof that the military zones are prison camps, the Japanese were restricted to only moving within the military zones

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