Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Discourse Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Discourse Community - Essay Example Thus, a discourse community, in other words, can be termed as a group of individuals or rather people who talk the same language that can only be understood by the members of the community. There are various discourse communities in the societies. In sports, the communities range from football, basketball, hockey, tennis, rugby and volleyball among other. I belong to various discourse communities. They include my tennis team, my writing class and my farming community. All these discourse communities are significant to the lives of its member since they so big that they brings together people from all walks of life; whether poor, rich, young or old and even from diverse races. All these people from different social classes understand every bit of conversation inside the community. My writing skills have been built by the lessons I attend in the writing class. To me, this class really qualifies to be a discourse community since the members of this class share common interests, goals an d objectives. Thus, everything that occurs during this academic course occurs with a sole aim of improving the students’ writing skills. This academic course has enabled me to perfect my writing skills that can be applied in other academic courses. My writing skills have been improved through a series of group writing practice and individual writing practice as I follow the writing rules that are always presented to us in this class. Every member of this community always adheres to the set rules and policies in order to achieve or rather attain the projected obligation. Across the globe, there are millions of individuals who belong to this discourse community whereby similar rules apply. Therefore, applying the writing rules that have been contributed by various scholars across the globe and from different writing communities have greatly improved my skills because I have gained from diverse sources of information. Tennis, as a discourse community where I belong, the tennis l anguage is used in communication. I always use the tennis language whenever in the company of teammates or rather the people who understand or have knowledge about the tennis game. There are a number of words that can only be used in the tennis language. Therefore, people who are not familiar with the language cannot understand. Moreover, there are various terminologies which are used in the world of tennis which may mean other things in the normal world contexts. For instance, an individual who is outside the tennis discourse community might misinterpret an idea or a word when he or she tries to mean another thing. Thus, an individual who do not belong in the tennis discourse community will probably not understand the conversation of the community members even if he or she is taking part in the conversation. In order to understand that the tennis team is a discourse community, I had to take attend daily training and practice so as to make myself vast with the language, cultures, ru les and the entire routine or programs of the community. For an individual to join the tennis discourse community, he or she cannot just show up to the daily practice and become a member. Instead, he or she has to undergo a serious test or rather an interview so as to be accepted in the community. The test of new recruits comprise of various

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